going 〃tick; tick;〃and the hands pointed to the time of day; but as they passed throughthe door into the room they perceived that they were both grown up;and bee a man and woman。 The roses out on the roof were in fullbloom; and peeped in at the window; and there stood the little chairs;on which they had sat when children; and Kay and Gerda seatedthemselves each on their own chair; and held each other by the hand;while the cold empty grandeur of the Snow Queen's palace vanished fromtheir memories like a painful dream。 The grandmother sat in God'sbright sunshine; and she read aloud from the Bible; 〃Except yebee as little children; ye shall in no wise enter into thekingdom of God。〃 And Kay and Gerda looked into each other's eyes;and all at once understood the words of the old song;
〃Roses bloom and cease to be;
But we shall the Christ…child see。〃And they both sat there; grown up; yet children at heart; and it wassummer;… warm; beautiful summer。
by Hans Christian Andersen
IT was winter…time; the air was cold; the wind was sharp; butwithin the closed doors it was warm and fortable; and within theclosed door lay the flower; it lay in the bulb under thesnow…covered earth。
One day rain fell。 The drops perated through the snowy coveringdown into the earth; and touched the flower…bulb; and talked of thebright world above。 Soon the Sunbeam pierced its way through thesnow to the root; and within the root there was a stirring。
〃e in;〃 said the flower。
〃I cannot;〃 said the Sunbeam。 〃I am not strong enough to unlockthe door! When the summer es I shall be strong!〃
〃When will it be summer?〃 asked the Flower; and she repeatedthis question each time a new sunbeam made its way down to her。 Butthe summer was yet far distant。 The snow still lay upon the ground;and there was a coat of ice on the water every night。
〃What a long time it takes! what a long time it takes!〃 said theFlower。 〃I feel a stirring and striving within me; I must stretchmyself; I must unlock the door; I must get out; and must nod a goodmorning to the summer; and what a happy time that will be!〃
And the Flower stirred and stretched itself within the thin rindwhich the water had softened from without; and the snow and theearth had warmed; and the Sunbeam had knocked at; and it shot forthunder the snow with a greenish…white blossom on a green stalk; withnarrow thick leaves; which seemed to want to protect it。 The snowwas cold; but was pierced by the Sunbeam; therefore it was easy to getthrough it; and now the Sunbeam came with greater strength thanbefore。
〃Wele; wele!〃 sang and sounded every ray; and the Flowerlifted itself up over the snow into the brighter world。 The Sunbeamscaressed and kissed it; so that it opened altogether; white as snow;and ornamented with green stripes。 It bent its head in joy andhumility。
〃Beautiful Flower!〃 said the Sunbeams; 〃how graceful anddelicate you are! You are the first; you are the only one! You are ourlove! You are the bell that rings out for summer; beautiful summer;over country and town。 All the snow will melt; the cold winds willbe driven away; we shall rule; all will bee green; and then youwill have panions; syringas; laburnums; and roses; but you arethe first; so graceful; so delicate!〃
That was a great pleasure。 It seemed as if the air were singingand sounding; as if rays of light were piercing through the leaves andthe stalks of the Flower。 There it stood; so delicate and so easilybroken; and yet so strong in its young beauty; it stood there in itswhite dress with the green stripes; and made a summer。 But there was along time yet to the summer…time。 Clouds hid the sun; and bleakwinds were blowing。
〃You have e too early;〃 said Wind and Weather。 〃We have stillthe power; and you shall feel it; and give it up to us。 You shouldhave stayed quietly at home and not have run out to make a displayof yourself。 Your time is not e yet!〃
It was a cutting cold! The days which now e brought not asingle sunbeam。 It was weather that might break such a little Flowerin two with cold。 But the Flower had more strength than she herselfknew of。 She was strong in joy and in faith in the summer; which wouldbe sure to e; which had been announced by her deep longing andconfirmed by the warm sunlight; and so she remained standing inconfidence in the snow in her white garment; bending her head evenwhile the snow…flakes fell thick and heavy; and the icy winds sweptover her。
〃You'll break!〃 they said; 〃and fade; and fade! What did youwant out here? Why did you let yourself be tempted? The Sunbeam onlymade game of you。 Now you have what you deserve; you summer gauk。〃 〃Summer gauk!〃 she repeated in the cold morning hour。
〃O summer gauk!〃 cried some children rejoicingly; 〃yonder standsone… how beautiful; how beautiful! The first one; the only one!〃
These words did the Flower so much good; they seemed to her likewarm sunbeams。 In her joy the Flower did not even feel when it wasbroken off。 It lay in a child's hand; and was kissed by a child'smouth; and carried into a warm room; and looked on by gentle eyes; andput into water。 How strengthening; how invigorating! The Flowerthought she had suddenly e upon the summer。
The daughter of the house; a beautiful little girl; was confirmed;and she had a friend who was confirmed; too。 He was studying for anexamination for an appointment。 〃He shall be my summer gauk;〃 shesaid; and she took the delicate Flower and laid it in a piece ofscented paper; on which verses were written; beginning with summergauk and ending with summer gauk。 〃My friend; be a winter gauk。〃 Shehad twitted him with the summer。 Yes; all this was in the verses;and the paper was folded up like a letter; and the Flower was foldedin the letter; too。 It was dark around her; dark as in those days whenshe lay hidden in the bulb。 The Flower went forth on her journey;and lay in the post…bag; and was pressed and crushed; which was not atall pleasant; but that soon came to an end。
The journey was over; the letter was opened; and read by thedear friend。 How pleased he was! He kissed the letter; and it waslaid; with its enclosure of verses; in a box; in which there were manybeautiful verses; but all of them without flowers; she was thefirst; the only one; as the Sunbeams had called her; and it was apleasant thing to think of that。
She had time enough; moreover; to think about it; she thought ofit while the summer passed away; and the long winter went by; andthe summer came again; before she appeared once more。 But now theyoung man was not pleased at all。 He took hold of the letter veryroughly; and threw the verses away; so that the Flower fell on theground。 Flat and faded she certainly was; but why should she be thrownon the ground? Still; it was better to be here than in the fire; wherethe verses and the paper were being burnt to ashes。 What had happened?What happens so often:… the Flower had made a gauk of him; that wasa jest; the girl had made a fool of him; that was no jest; she had;during the summer; chosen another friend。
Next morning the sun shone in upon the little flattenedSnowdrop; that looked as if it had been painted u