Next morning the sun shone in upon the little flattenedSnowdrop; that looked as if it had been painted upon the floor。 Theservant girl; who was sweeping out the room; picked it up; and laid itin one of the books which were upon the table; in the belief that itmust have fallen out while the room was being arranged。 Again theflower lay among verses… printed verses… and they are better thanwritten ones… at least; more money has been spent upon them。
And after this years went by。 The book stood upon thebook…shelf; and then it was taken up and somebody read out of it。 Itwas a good book; verses and songs by the old Danish poet; AmbrosiusStub; which are well worth reading。 The man who was now reading thebook turned over a page。
〃Why; there's a flower!〃 he said; 〃a snowdrop; a summer gauk; apoet gauk! That flower must have been put in there with a meaning!Poor Ambrosius Stub! he was a summer fool too; a poet fool; he cametoo early; before his time; and therefore he had to taste the sharpwinds; and wander about as a guest from one noble landed proprietor toanother; like a flower in a glass of water; a flower in rhymed verses!Summer fool; winter fool; fun and folly… but the first; the only;the fresh young Danish poet of those days。 Yes; thou shalt remain as atoken in the book; thou little snowdrop: thou hast been put there witha meaning。〃
And so the Snowdrop was put back into the book; and felt equallyhonored and pleased to know that it was a token in the glorious bookof songs; and that he who was the first to sing and to write hadbeen also a snowdrop; had been a summer gauk; and had been looked uponin the winter…time as a fool。 The Flower understood this; in herway; as we interpret everything in our way。
That is the story of the Snowdrop。
by Hans Christian Andersen
ON the last house in a little village the storks had built a nest;and the mother stork sat in it with her four young ones; who stretchedout their necks and pointed their black beaks; which had not yetturned red like those of the parent birds。 A little way off; on theedge of the roof; stood the father stork; quite upright and stiff; notliking to be quite idle; he drew up one leg; and stood on the other;so still that it seemed almost as if he were carved in wood。 〃Itmust look very grand;〃 thought he; 〃for my wife to have a sentryguarding her nest。 They do not know that I am her husband; they willthink I have been manded to stand here; which is quitearistocratic;〃 and so he continued standing on one leg。
In the street below were a number of children at play; and whenthey caught sight of the storks; one of the boldest amongst the boysbegan to sing a song about them; and very soon he was joined by therest。 These are the words of the song; but each only sang what hecould remember of them in his own way。
〃Stork; stork; fly away;
Stand not on one leg; I pray;
See your wife is in her nest;
With her little ones at rest。
They will hang one;
And fry another;
They will shoot a third;
And roast his brother。〃
〃Just hear what those boys are singing;〃 said the young storks;〃they say we shall be hanged and roasted。〃
〃Never mind what they say; you need not listen;〃 said themother。 〃They can do no harm。〃
But the boys went on singing and pointing at the storks; andmocking at them; excepting one of the boys whose name was Peter; hesaid it was a shame to make fun of animals; and would not join withthem at all。 The mother stork forted her young ones; and toldthem not to mind。 〃See;〃 she said; 〃How quiet your father stands;although he is only on one leg。〃
〃But we are very much frightened;〃 said the young storks; and theydrew back their heads into the nests。
The next day when the children were playing together; and sawthe storks; they sang the song again…
〃They will hang one;
And roast another。〃
〃Shall we be hanged and roasted?〃 asked the young storks。
〃No; certainly not;〃 said the mother。 〃I will teach you to fly;and when you have learnt; we will fly into the meadows; and pay avisit to the frogs; who will bow themselves to us in the water; andcry 'Croak; croak;' and then we shall eat them up; that will be fun。〃
〃And what next?〃 asked the young storks。
〃Then;〃 replied the mother; 〃all the storks in the country willassemble together; and go through their autumn manoeuvres; so thatit is very important for every one to know how to fly properly。 Ifthey do not; the general will thrust them through with his beak; andkill them。 Therefore you must take pains and learn; so as to beready when the drilling begins。〃
〃Then we may be killed after all; as the boys say; and hark!they are singing again。〃
〃Listen to me; and not to them;〃 said the mother stork。 〃After thegreat review is over; we shall fly away to warm countries far fromhence; where there are mountains and forests。 To Egypt; where we shallsee three…cornered houses built of stone; with pointed tops that reachnearly to the clouds。 They are called Pyramids; and are older than astork could imagine; and in that country; there is a river thatoverflows its banks; and then goes back; leaving nothing but mire;there we can walk about; and eat frogs in abundance。〃
〃Oh; o… h!〃 cried the young storks。
〃Yes; it is a delightful place; there is nothing to do all daylong but eat; and while we are so well off out there; in thiscountry there will not be a single green leaf on the trees; and theweather will be so cold that the clouds will freeze; and fall on theearth in little white rags。〃 The stork meant snow; but she could notexplain it in any other way。
〃Will the naughty boys freeze and fall in pieces?〃 asked the youngstorks。
〃No; they will not freeze and fall into pieces;〃 said themother; 〃but they will be very cold; and be obliged to sit all dayin a dark; gloomy room; while we shall be flying about in foreignlands; where there are blooming flowers and warm sunshine。〃
Time passed on; and the young storks grew so large that they couldstand upright in the nest and look about them。 The father broughtthem; every day; beautiful frogs; little snakes; and all kinds ofstork…dainties that he could find。 And then; how funny it was to seethe tricks he would perform to amuse them。 He would lay his head quiteround over his tail; and clatter with his beak; as if it had been arattle; and then he would tell them stories all about the marshesand fens。
〃e;〃 said the mother one day; 〃Now you must learn to fly。〃And all the four young ones were obliged to e out on the top of theroof。 Oh; how they tottered at first; and were obliged to balancethemselves with their wings; or they would have fallen to the groundbelow。
〃Look at me;〃 said the mother; 〃you must hold your heads in thisway; and place your feet so。 Once; twice; once; twice… that is it。 Nowyou will be able to take care of yourselves in the world。〃
Then she flew a little distance from them; and the young ones madea spring to follow her; but down they fell plump; for their bodieswere still too heavy。
〃I don't want to fly;〃 said one of the young storks; creeping backinto the nest。 〃I don't care about going to warm countries。〃
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