concocted ittogether; and they had first drunk a good bowl of punch; so that thespeech might turn out well。
And the people gave a cheer for the speech; but they shoutedmuch louder for the Harlequin; when he appeared in front of theplatform; and made a grimace at them。
The fools played the fool most admirably; and drank mead out ofspirit…glasses; which they then flung among the crowd; by whom theywere caught up。 Grandfather was the possessor of one of these glasses;which had been given him by a working mason; who had managed tocatch it。 Such a scene was really very pleasant; and the shield on thenew court…house was hung with flowers and green wreaths。
〃One never forgets a feast like that; however old one may grow;〃said grandfather。 Nor did he forget it; though he saw many other grandspectacles in his time; and could tell about them too; but it was mostpleasant of all to hear him tell about the shield that was broughtin the town from the old to the new court…house。
Once; when he was a little boy; grandpapa had gone with hisparents to see this festivity。 He had never yet been in the metropolisof the country。 There were so many people in the streets; that hethought that the shield was being carried。 There were many shieldsto be seen; a hundred rooms might have been filled with pictures; ifthey had been hung up inside and outside。 At the tailor's werepictures of all kinds of clothing; to show that he could stitch uppeople from the coarsest to the finest; at the tobacanufacturer's were pictures of the most charming little boys; smokingcigars; just as they do in reality; there were signs with paintedbutter; and herring; clerical collars; and coffins; and inscriptionsand announcements into the bargain。 A person could walk up and downfor a whole day through the streets; and tire himself out with lookingat the pictures; and then he would know all about what people lived inthe houses; for they had hung out their shields or signs; and; asgrandfather said; it was a very instructive thing; in a great town; toknow at once who the inhabitants were。
And this is what happened with these shields; when grandpapacame to the town。 He told it me himself; and he hadn't 〃a rogue on hisback;〃 as mother used to tell me he had when he wanted to make mebelieve something outrageous; for now he looked quite trustworthy。
The first night after he came to the town had been signalized bythe most terrible gale ever recorded in the newspapers… a gale such asnone of the inhabitants had ever before experienced。 The air wasdark with flying tiles; old wood…work crashed and fell; and awheelbarrow ran up the streets all alone; only to get out of theway。 There was a groaning in the air; and a howling and a shrieking;and altogether it was a terrible storm。 The water in the canal roseover the banks; for it did not know where to run。 The storm swept overthe town; carrying plenty of chimneys with it; and more than one proudweathercock on a church tower had to bow; and has never got over itfrom that time。
There was a kind of sentry…house; where dwelt the venerable oldsuperintendent of the fire brigade; who always arrived with the lastengine。 The storm would not leave this little sentry…house alone;but must needs tear it from its fastenings; and roll it down thestreet; and; wonderfully enough; it stopped opposite to the door ofthe dirty journeyman plasterer; who had saved three lives at thelast fire; but the sentry…house thought nothing of that。
The barber's shield; the great brazen dish; was carried away;and hurled straight into the embrasure of the councillor of justice;and the whole neighborhood said this looked almost like malice;inasmuch as they; and nearly all the friends of the councillor's wife;used to call that lady 〃the Razor〃 for she was so sharp that sheknew more about other people's business than they knew about itthemselves。
A shield with a dried salt fish painted on it flew exactly infront of the door of a house where dwelt a man who wrote anewspaper。 That was a very poor joke perpetrated by the gale; whichseemed to have forgotten that a man who writes in a paper is not thekind of person to understand any liberty taken with him; for he is aking in his own newspaper; and likewise in his own opinion。
The weathercock flew to the opposite house; where he perched;looking the picture of malice… so the neighbors said。
The cooper's tub stuck itself up under the head of 〃ladies'costumes。〃
The eating…house keeper's bill of fare; which had hung at his doorin a heavy frame; was posted by the storm over the entrance to thetheatre; where nobody went。 〃It was a ridiculous list… horse…radish;soup; and stuffed cabbage。〃 And now people came in plenty。
The fox's skin; the honorable sign of the furrier; was foundfastened to the bell…pull of a young man who always went to earlylecture; and looked like a furled umbrella。 He said he was strivingafter truth; and was considered by his aunt 〃a model and an example。〃
The inscription 〃Institution for Superior Education〃 was foundnear the billiard club; which place of resort was further adorned withthe words; 〃Children brought up by hand。〃 Now; this was not at allwitty; but; you see; the storm had done it; and no one has any controlover that。
It was a terrible night; and in the morning… only think!… nearlyall the shields had changed places。 In some places the inscriptionswere so malicious; that grandfather would not speak of them at all;but I saw that he was chuckling secretly; and there may have been someinaccuracy in his description; after all。
The poor people in the town; and still more the strangers; werecontinually making mistakes in the people they wanted to see; norwas this to be avoided; when they went according to the shields thatwere hung up。 Thus; for instance; some who wanted to go to a verygrave assembly of elderly men; where important affairs were to bediscussed; found themselves in a noisy boys' school; where all thepany were leaping over the chairs and tables。
There were also people who made a mistake between the church andthe theatre; and that was terrible indeed!
Such a storm we have never witnessed in our day; for that onlyhappened in grandpapa's time; when he was quite a little boy。Perhaps we shall never experience a storm of the kind; but ourgrandchildren may; and we can only hope and pray that all may stayat home while the storm is moving the shields。
by Hans Christian Andersen
A MOTHER sat by her little child; she was very sad; for she fearedit would die。 It was quite pale; and its little eyes were closed;and sometimes it drew a heavy deep breath; almost like a sigh; andthen the mother gazed more sadly than ever on the poor littlecreature。 Some one knocked at the door; and a poor old man walkedin。 He was wrapped in something that looked like a greathorse…cloth; and he required it truly to keep him warm; for it wascold winter; the country everywhere lay covered with snow and ice; andthe wind blew so sharply that it cut one's face。 The little childhad dozed off to sleep for a moment; and the mother; seeing that theold man shivered with the cold; rose and placed a small mu