ledge; shall we fly away there and wait? we shallbe nearer to spring then; certainly。〃
〃That may be all very well;〃 said another sparrow; who had beenhopping about for a long time; chirping; but not saying anything ofconsequence; 〃but I have found a few forts here in town which;I'm afraid; I should miss out in the country。 Here in thisneighborhood; there lives a family of people who have been so sensibleas to place three or four flower…pots against the wall in thecourt…yard; so that the openings are all turned inward; and the bottomof each points outward。 In the latter a hole has been cut large enoughfor me to fly in and out。 I and my husband have built a nest in one ofthese pots; and all our young ones; who have now flown away; werebrought up there。 The people who live there of course made the wholearrangement that they might have the pleasure of seeing us; or theywould not have done it。 It pleased them also to strew bread…crumbs forus; and so we have food; and may consider ourselves provided for。 So Ithink my husband and I will stay where we are; although we are notvery happy; but we shall stay。〃
〃And we will fly into the country;〃 said the others; 〃to see ifspring is ing。〃 And away they flew。
In the country it was really winter; a few degrees colder thanin the town。 The sharp winds blew over the snow…covered fields。 Thefarmer; wrapped in warm clothing; sat in his sleigh; and beat his armsacross his chest to keep off the cold。 The whip lay on his lap。 Thehorses ran till they smoked。 The snow crackled; the sparrows hoppedabout in the wheel…ruts; and shivered; crying; 〃Tweet; tweet; whenwill spring e? It is very long in ing。〃
〃Very long indeed;〃 sounded over the field; from the nearestsnow…covered hill。 It might have been the echo which people heard;or perhaps the words of that wonderful old man; who sat high on a heapof snow; regardless of wind or weather。 He was all in white; he had ona peasant's coarse white coat of frieze。 He had long white hair; apale face; and large clear blue eyes。 〃Who is that old man?〃 asked thesparrows。
〃I know who he is;〃 said an old raven; who sat on the fence; andwas condescending enough to acknowledge that we are all equal in thesight of Heaven; even as little birds; and therefore he talked withthe sparrows; and gave them the information they wanted。 〃I know whothe old man is;〃 he said。 〃It is Winter; the old man of last year;he is not dead yet; as the calendar says; but acts as guardian tolittle Prince Spring who is ing。 Winter rules here still。 Ugh!the cold makes you shiver; little ones; does it not?〃
〃There! Did I not tell you so?〃 said the smallest of the sparrows。〃The calendar is only an invention of man; and is not arrangedaccording to nature。 They should leave these things to us; we arecreated so much more clever than they are。〃
One week passed; and then another。 The forest looked dark; thehard…frozen lake lay like a sheet of lead。 The mountains haddisappeared; for over the land hung damp; icy mists。 Large black crowsflew about in silence; it was as if nature slept。 At length asunbeam glided over the lake; and it shone like burnished silver。But the snow on the fields and the hills did not glitter as before。The white form of Winter sat there still; with his un…wandering gazefixed on the south。 He did not perceive that the snowy carpet seemedto sink as it were into the earth; that here and there a littlegreen patch of grass appeared; and that these patches were coveredwith sparrows。
〃Tee…wit; tee…wit; is spring ing at last?〃
Spring! How the cry resounded over field and meadow; and throughthe dark…brown woods; where the fresh green moss still gleamed onthe trunks of the trees; and from the south came the two firststorks flying through the air; and on the back of each sat a lovelylittle child; a boy and a girl。 They greeted the earth with a kiss;and wherever they placed their feet white flowers sprung up frombeneath the snow。 Hand in hand they approached the old ice…man;Winter; embraced him and clung to his breast; and as they did so; in amoment all three were enveloped in a thick; damp mist; dark and heavy;that closed over them like a veil。 The wind arose with mighty rustlingtone; and cleared away the mist。 Then the sun shone out warmly。 Winterhad vanished away; and the beautiful children of Spring sat on thethrone of the year。
〃This is really a new year;〃 cried all the sparrows; 〃now we shallget our rights; and have some return for what we suffered in winter。〃
Wherever the two children wandered; green buds burst forth on bushand tree; the grass grew higher; and the corn…fields became lovelyin delicate green。
The little maiden strewed flowers in her path。 She held herapron before her: it was full of flowers; it was as if they sprunginto life there; for the more she scattered around her; the moreflowers did her apron contain。 Eagerly she showered snowy blossomsover apple and peach…trees; so that they stood in full beauty beforeeven their green leaves had burst from the bud。 Then the boy and thegirl clapped their hands; and troops of birds came flying by; no oneknew from whence; and they all twittered and chirped; singing〃Spring has e!〃 How beautiful everything was! Many an old dame cameforth from her door into the sunshine; and shuffled about with greatdelight; glancing at the golden flowers which glittered everywherein the fields; as they used to do in her young days。 The world grewyoung again to her; as she said; 〃It is a blessed time out hereto…day。〃 The forest already wore its dress of dark…green buds。 Thethyme blossomed in fresh fragrance。 Primroses and anemones sprungforth; and violets bloomed in the shade; while every blade of grasswas full of strength and sap。 Who could resist sitting down on sucha beautiful carpet? and then the young children of Spring seatedthemselves; holding each other's hands; and sang; and laughed; andgrew。 A gentle rain fell upon them from the sky; but they did notnotice it; for the rain…drops were their own tears of joy。 They kissedeach other; and were betrothed; and in the same moment the buds of thetrees unfolded; and when the sun rose; the forest was green。 Hand inhand the two wandered beneath the fresh pendant canopy of foliage;while the sun's rays gleamed through the opening of the shade; inchanging and varied colors。 The delicate young leaves filled the airwith refreshing odor。 Merrily rippled the clear brooks and rivuletsbetween the green; velvety rushes; and over the many…colored pebblesbeneath。 All nature spoke of abundance and plenty。 The cuckoo sang;and the lark carolled; for it was now beautiful spring。 The carefulwillows had; however; covered their blossoms with woolly gloves; andthis carefulness is rather tedious。 Days and weeks went by; and theheat increased。 Warm air waved the corn as it grew golden in thesun。 The white northern lily spread its large green leaves over theglossy mirror of the woodland lake; and the fishes sought theshadows beneath them。 In a sheltered part of the wood; the sun shoneupon the walls of a farm…house; brightening the blooming roses; andripening the black juicy berries; which hung on the loadedcherry…trees; with his hot beams。 Here sat the lovely wife ofSummer; the same whom we have seen