


安徒生童话- 第235部分

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〃 A thistle…flower was painted in thebuttonhole of the bridegroom。 They spoke about this; and also aboutthe thistle…flower they brought; the last thistle…flower; now gleaminglike silver; whose picture was carved on the frame。

And the breeze carried what was spoken away; far away。

〃What one can experience!〃 said the Thistle Bush。 〃My first bornwas put into a buttonhole; and my youngest has been put in a frame。Where shall I go?〃

And the Ass stood by the road…side; and looked across at theThistle。

〃e to me; my nibble darling!〃 said he。 〃I can't get across toyou。〃

But the Thistle did not answer。 He became more and morethoughtful… kept on thinking and thinking till near Christmas; andthen a flower of thought came forth。

〃If the children are only good; the parents do not mind standingoutside the garden pale。〃

〃That's an honorable thought;〃 said the Sunbeam。 〃You shall alsohave a good place。〃

〃In a pot or in a frame?〃 asked the Thistle。

〃In a story;〃 replied the Sunbeam。





   by Hans Christian Andersen

AN old story yet lives of the 〃Thorny Road of Honor;〃 of amarksman; who indeed attained to rank and office; but only after alifelong and weary strife against difficulties。 Who has not; inreading this story; thought of his own strife; and of his own numerous〃difficulties?〃 The story is very closely akin to reality; but stillit has its harmonious explanation here on earth; while reality oftenpoints beyond the confines of life to the regions of eternity。 Thehistory of the world is like a magic lantern that displays to us; inlight pictures upon the dark ground of the present; how thebenefactors of mankind; the martyrs of genius; wandered along thethorny road of honor。

From all periods; and from every country; these shining picturesdisplay themselves to us。 Each only appears for a few moments; buteach represents a whole life; sometimes a whole age; with itsconflicts and victories。 Let us contemplate here and there one ofthe pany of martyrs… the pany which will receive new membersuntil the world itself shall pass away。

We look down upon a crowded amphitheatre。 Out of the 〃Clouds〃 ofAristophanes; satire and humor are pouring down in streams upon theaudience; on the stage Socrates; the most remarkable man in Athens; hewho had been the shield and defence of the people against the thirtytyrants; is held up mentally and bodily to ridicule… Socrates; whosaved Alcibiades and Xenophon in the turmoil of battle; and whosegenius soared far above the gods of the ancients。 He himself ispresent; he has risen from the spectator's bench; and has steppedforward; that the laughing Athenians may well appreciate thelikeness between himself and the caricature on the stage。 There hestands before them; towering high above them all。

Thou juicy; green; poisonous hemlock; throw thy shadow overAthens… not thou; olive tree of fame!

Seven cities contended for the honor of giving birth to Homer…that is to say; they contended after his death! Let us look at himas he was in his lifetime。 He wanders on foot through the cities;and recites his verses for a livelihood; the thought for the morrowturns his hair gray! He; the great seer; is blind; and painfullypursues his way… the sharp thorn tears the mantle of the king ofpoets。 His song yet lives; and through that alone live all theheroes and gods of antiquity。

One picture after another springs up from the east; from the west;far removed from each other in time and place; and yet each oneforming a portion of the thorny road of honor; on which the thistleindeed displays a flower; but only to adorn the grave。

The camels pass along under the palm trees; they are richlyladen with indigo and other treasures of value; sent by the ruler ofthe land to him whose songs are the delight of the people; the fame ofthe country。 He whom envy and falsehood have driven into exile hasbeen found; and the caravan approaches the little town in which he hastaken refuge。 A poor corpse is carried out of the town gate; and thefuneral procession causes the caravan to halt。 The dead man is he whomthey have been sent to seek… Firdusi… who has wandered the Thorny roadof honor even to the end。

The African; with blunt features; thick lips; and woolly hair;sits on the marble steps of the palace in the capital of Portugal; andbegs。 He is the submissive slave of Camoens; and but for him; andfor the copper coins thrown to him by the passers…by; his master;the poet of the 〃Lusiad;〃 would die of hunger。 Now; a costlymonument marks the grave of Camoens。

There is a new picture。

Behind the iron grating a man appears; pale as death; with longunkempt beard。

〃I have made a discovery;〃 he says; 〃the greatest that has beenmade for centuries; and they have kept me locked up here for more thantwenty years!〃

Who is the man?

〃A madman;〃 replies the keeper of the madhouse。 〃What whimsicalideas these lunatics have! He imagines that one can propel things bymeans of steam。〃

It is Solomon de Cares; the discoverer of the power of steam;whose theory; expressed in dark words; is not understood by Richelieu;and he dies in the madhouse。

Here stands Columbus; whom the street boys used once to follow andjeer; because he wanted to discover a new world; and he has discoveredit。 Shouts of joy greet him from the breasts of all; and the clashof bells sounds to celebrate his triumphant return; but the clash ofthe bells of envy soon drowns the others。 The discoverer of a world…he who lifted the American gold land from the sea; and gave it tohis king… he is rewarded with iron chains。 He wishes that these chainsmay be placed in his coffin; for they witness to the world of theway in which a man's contemporaries reward good service。

One picture after another es crowding on; the thorny path ofhonor and of fame is over…filled。

Here in dark night sits the man who measured the mountains inthe moon; he who forced his way out into the endless space; amongstars and plas; he; the mighty man who understood the spirit ofnature; and felt the earth moving beneath his feet… Galileo。 Blind anddeaf he sits… an old man thrust through with the spear of suffering;and amid the torments of neglect; scarcely able to lift his foot… thatfoot with which; in the anguish of his soul; when men denied thetruth; he stamped upon the ground; with the exclamation; 〃Yet itmoves!〃

Here stands a woman of childlike mind; yet full of faith andinspiration。 She carries the banner in front of the bating army;and brings victory and salvation to her fatherland。 The sound ofshouting arises; and the pile flames up。 They are burning the witch;Joan of Arc。 Yes; and a future century jeers at the White Lily。Voltaire; the satyr of human intellect; writes 〃La Pucelle。〃

At the Thing or Assembly at Viborg; the Danish nobles burn thelaws of the king。 They flame up high; illuminating the period andthe lawgiver; and throw a glory into the dark prison tower; where anold man is growing gray and bent。 With his finger he marks out agroove in the stone table。 It is the popular king who sits there; oncethe ruler of three kingdoms; the friend of the citizen and thepeasant。 It is Christian 

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