; indeed; animmense quantity。 So the soldier now threw away all the silver moneyhe had taken; and filled his pockets and his knapsack with goldinstead; and not only his pockets and his knapsack; but even his capand boots; so that he could scarcely walk。
He was really rich now; so he replaced the dog on the chest;closed the door; and called up through the tree; 〃Now pull me out; youold witch。〃
〃Have you got the tinder…box?〃 asked the witch。
〃No; I declare I quite forgot it。〃 So he went back and fetched thetinderbox; and then the witch drew him up out of the tree; and hestood again in the high road; with his pockets; his knapsack; his cap;and his boots full of gold。
〃What are you going to do with the tinder…box?〃 asked the soldier。
〃That is nothing to you;〃 replied the witch; 〃you have themoney; now give me the tinder…box。〃
〃I tell you what;〃 said the soldier; 〃if you don't tell me whatyou are going to do with it; I will draw my sword and cut off yourhead。〃
〃No;〃 said the witch。
The soldier immediately cut off her head; and there she lay on theground。 Then he tied up all his money in her apron。 and slung it onhis back like a bundle; put the tinderbox in his pocket; and walkedoff to the nearest town。 It was a very nice town; and he put up at thebest inn; and ordered a dinner of all his favorite dishes; for nowhe was rich and had plenty of money。
The servant; who cleaned his boots; thought they certainly werea shabby pair to be worn by such a rich gentleman; for he had notyet bought any new ones。 The next day; however; he procured somegood clothes and proper boots; so that our soldier soon became knownas a fine gentleman; and the people visited him; and told him allthe wonders that were to be seen in the town; and of the king'sbeautiful daughter; the princess。
〃Where can I see her?〃 asked the soldier。
〃She is not to be seen at all;〃 they said; 〃she lives in a largecopper castle; surrounded by walls and towers。 No one but the kinghimself can pass in or out; for there has been a prophecy that shewill marry a mon soldier; and the king cannot bear to think of sucha marriage。〃
〃I should like very much to see her;〃 thought the soldier; buthe could not obtain permission to do so。 However; he passed a verypleasant time; went to the theatre; drove in the king's garden; andgave a great deal of money to the poor; which was very good of him; heremembered what it had been in olden times to be without a shilling。Now he was rich; had fine clothes; and many friends; who alldeclared he was a fine fellow and a real gentleman; and all thisgratified him exceedingly。 But his money would not last forever; andas he spent and gave away a great deal daily; and received none; hefound himself at last with only two shillings left。 So he wasobliged to leave his elegant rooms; and live in a little garretunder the roof; where he had to clean his own boots; and even mendthem with a large needle。 None of his friends came to see him; therewere too many stairs to mount up。 One dark evening; he had not evena penny to buy a candle; then all at once he remembered that there wasa piece of candle stuck in the tinder…box; which he had brought fromthe old tree; into which the witch had helped him。
He found the tinder…box; but no sooner had he struck a fewsparks from the flint and steel; than the door flew open and the dogwith eyes as big as teacups; whom he had seen while down in thetree; stood before him; and said; 〃What orders; master?〃
〃Hallo;〃 said the soldier; 〃well this is a pleasant tinderbox;if it brings me all I wish for。〃
〃Bring me some money;〃 said he to the dog。
He was gone in a moment; and presently returned; carrying alarge bag of coppers in his month。 The soldier very soon discoveredafter this the value of the tinder…box。 If he struck the flint once;the dog who sat on the chest of copper money made his appearance; iftwice; the dog came from the chest of silver; and if three times;the dog with eyes like towers; who watched over the gold。 Thesoldier had now plenty of money; he returned to his elegant rooms; andreappeared in his fine clothes; so that his friends knew him againdirectly; and made as much of him as before。
After a while he began to think it was very strange that no onecould get a look at the princess。 〃Every one says she is verybeautiful;〃 thought he to himself; 〃but what is the use of that if sheis to be shut up in a copper castle surrounded by so many towers。Can I by any means get to see her。 Stop! where is my tinder…box?〃 Thenhe struck a light; and in a moment the dog; with eyes as big asteacups; stood before him。
〃It is midnight;〃 said the soldier; 〃yet I should very much liketo see the princess; if only for a moment。〃
The dog disappeared instantly; and before the soldier could evenlook round; he returned with the princess。 She was lying on thedog's back asleep; and looked so lovely; that every one who saw herwould know she was a real princess。 The soldier could not help kissingher; true soldier as he was。 Then the dog ran back with theprincess; but in the morning; while at breakfast with the king andqueen; she told them what a singular dream she had had during thenight; of a dog and a soldier; that she had ridden on the dog'sback; and been kissed by the soldier。
〃That is a very pretty story; indeed;〃 said the queen。 So the nextnight one of the old ladies of the court was set to watch by theprincess's bed; to discover whether it really was a dream; or whatelse it might be。
The soldier longed very much to see the princess once more; sohe sent for the dog again in the night to fetch her; and to run withher as fast as ever he could。 But the old lady put on water boots; andran after him as quickly as he did; and found that he carried theprincess into a large house。 She thought it would help her to rememberthe place if she made a large cross on the door with a piece of chalk。Then she went home to bed; and the dog presently returned with theprincess。 But when he saw that a cross had been made on the door ofthe house; where the soldier lived; he took another piece of chalk andmade crosses on all the doors in the town; so that the lady…in…waitingmight not be able to find out the right door。
Early the next morning the king and queen acpanied the lady andall the officers of the household; to see where the princess had been。
〃Here it is;〃 said the king; when they came to the first door witha cross on it。
No; my dear husband; it must be that one;〃 said the queen;pointing to a second door having a cross also。
〃And here is one; and there is another!〃 they all exclaimed; forthere were crosses on all the doors in every direction。
So they felt it would be useless to search any farther。 But thequeen was a very clever woman; she could do a great deal more thanmerely ride in a carriage。 She took her large gold scissors; cut apiece of silk into squares; and made a neat little bag。 This bag shefilled with buckwheat flour; and tied it round the princess's neck;and then she cut a small hole in the bag; so that the flour might bescattered on the ground as the princess went along。 During thenight; the dog came again and carried the princess on his back; andran with her to the soldier; who loved