em; butshe looked up also; the sun shone through the leaves; which were quitetransparent; and she felt as a person would feel who steps suddenlyinto a great forest; where the sun looks in between the branches andleaves。
〃It's much nicer here than down in the well! I should like to stayhere my whole life long!〃 said the little Toad。 So she lay there foran hour; yes; for two hours。 〃I wonder what is to be found up here? AsI have e so far; I must try to go still farther。〃 And so shecrawled on as fast as she could crawl; and got out upon the highway;where the sun shone upon her; and the dust powdered her all over asshe marched across the way。
〃I've got to a dry place。 now; and no mistake;〃 said the Toad。〃It's almost too much of a good thing here; it tickles one so。〃
She came to the ditch; and forget…me…nots were growing there;and meadow…sweet; and a very little way off was a hedge of whitethorn;and elder bushes grew there; too; and bindweed with white flowers。 Gaycolors were to be seen here; and a butterfly; too; was flitting by。The Toad thought it was a flower which had broken loose that itmight look about better in the world; which was quite a naturalthing to do。
〃If one could only make such a journey as that!〃 said the Toad。〃Croak! how capital that would be。〃
Eight days and eight nights she stayed by the well; andexperienced no want of provisions。 On the ninth day she thought;〃Forward! onward!〃 But what could she find more charming andbeautiful? Perhaps a little toad or a few green frogs。 During the lastnight there had been a sound borne on the breeze; as if there werecousins in the neighborhood。
〃It's a glorious thing to live! glorious to get out of the well;and to lie among the stinging…tles; and to crawl along the dustyroad。 But onward; onward! that we may find frogs or a little toad。We can't do without that; nature alone is not enough for one。〃 Andso she went forward on her journey。
She came out into the open field; to a great pond; round aboutwhich grew reeds; and she walked into it。
〃It will be too damp for you here;〃 said the Frogs; 〃but you arevery wele! Are you a he or a she? But it doesn't matter; you areequally wele。〃
And she was invited to the concert in the evening… the familyconcert; great enthusiasm and thin voices; we know the sort ofthing。 No refreshments were given; only there was plenty to drink; forthe whole pond was free。
〃Now I shall resume my journey;〃 said the little Toad; for shealways felt a longing for something better。
She saw the stars shining; so large and so bright; and she saw themoon gleaming; and then she saw the sun rise; and mount higher andhigher。
〃Perhaps after all; I am still in a well; only in a larger well。 Imust get higher yet; I feel a great restlessness and longing。〃 Andwhen the moon became round and full; the poor creature thought; 〃Iwonder if that is the bucket which will be let down; and into whichI must step to get higher up? Or is the sun the great bucket? Howgreat it is! how bright it is! It can take up all。 I must look out;that I may not miss the opportunity。 Oh; how it seems to shine in myhead! I don't think the jewel can shine brighter。 But I haven't thejewel; not that I cry about that… no; I must go higher up; intosplendor and joy! I feel so confident; and yet I am afraid。 It's adifficult step to take; and yet it must be taken。 Onward; therefore;straight onward!〃
She took a few steps; such as a crawling animal may take; and soonfound herself on a road beside which people dwelt; but there wereflower gardens as well as kitchen gardens。 And she sat down to rest bya kitchen garden。
〃What a number of different creatures there are that I never knew!and how beautiful and great the world is! But one must look round init; and not stay in one spot。〃 And then she hopped into the kitchengarden。 〃How green it is here! how beautiful it is here!〃
〃I know that;〃 said the Caterpillar; on the leaf; 〃my leaf isthe largest here。 It hides half the world from me; but I don't carefor the world。〃
〃Cluck; cluck!〃 And some fowls came。 They tripped about in thecabbage garden。 The Fowl who marched at the head of them had a longsight; and she spied the Caterpillar on the green leaf; and peckedat it; so that the Caterpillar fell on the ground; where it twistedand writhed。
The Fowl looked at it first with one eye and then with theother; for she did not know what the end of this writhing would be。
〃It doesn't do that with a good will;〃 thought the Fowl; andlifted up her head to peck at the Caterpillar。
The Toad was so horrified at this; that she came crawling straightup towards the Fowl。
〃Aha; it has allies;〃 quoth the Fowl。 〃Just look at the crawlingthing!〃 And then the Fowl turned away。 〃I don't care for the littlegreen morsel; it would only tickle my throat。〃 The other fowls tookthe same view of it; and they all turned away together。
〃I writhed myself free;〃 said the Caterpillar。 〃What a goodthing it is when one has presence of mind! But the hardest thingremains to be done; and that is to get on my leaf again。 Where is it?〃
And the little Toad came up and expressed her sympathy。 She wasglad that in her ugliness she had frightened the fowls。
〃What do you mean by that?〃 cried the Caterpillar。 〃I wriggledmyself free from the Fowl。 You are very disagreeable to look at。Cannot I be left in peace on my own property? Now I smell cabbage; nowI am near my leaf。 Nothing is so beautiful as property。 But I mustgo higher up。〃
〃Yes; higher up;〃 said the little Toad; 〃higher…up! She feels justas I do; but she's not in a good humor to…day。 That's because of thefright。 We all want to go higher up。〃 And she looked up as high asever she could。
The stork sat in his nest on the roof of the farm…house。 Heclapped with his beak; and the Mother…stork clapped with hers。
〃How high up they live!〃 thought the Toad。 〃If one could onlyget as high as that!〃
In the farm…house lived two young students; the one was a poet andthe other a scientific searcher into the secrets of nature。 The onesang and wrote joyously of everything that God had created; and how itwas mirrored in his heart。 He sang it out clearly; sweetly; richly; inwell…sounding verses; while the other investigated created matteritself; and even cut it open where need was。 He looked upon God'screation as a great sum in arithmetic… subtracted; multiplied; andtried to know it within and without; and to talk with understandingconcerning it; and that was a very sensible thing; and he spokejoyously and cleverly of it。 They were good; joyful men; those two;
〃There sits a good specimen of a toad;〃 said the naturalist。 〃Imust have that fellow in a bottle of spirits。〃
〃You have two of them already;〃 replied the poet。 〃Let the thingsit there and enjoy its life。〃
〃But it's so wonderfully ugly;〃 persisted the first。
〃Yes; if we could find the jewel in its head;〃 said the poet; 〃Itoo should be for cutting it open。'
〃A jewel!〃 cried the naturalist。 〃You seem to know a great dealabout natural history。〃
〃But is there not something beautiful in the popular belief thatjust as the toad is the ugliest of animals; it should often carrythe most precious jewel in its head? Is it not just the same thingwit