But the story never dies。 And more than a whole year went by;and he longed… oh; so very much!… for the Story。
〃I wonder if the Story will ever e back again and knock?〃
And he remembered it so well in all the various forms in whichit had e to him; sometimes young and charming; like springitself; sometimes as a beautiful maiden; with a wreath of thyme in herhair; and a beechen branch in her hand; and with eyes that gleamedlike deep woodland lakes in the bright sunshine。
Sometimes it had e to him in the guise of a peddler; and hadopened its box and let silver ribbon e fluttering out; withverses and inscriptions of old remembrances。
But it was most charming of all when it came as an oldgrandmother; with silvery hair; and such large; sensible eyes。 Sheknew so well how to tell about the oldest times; long before theprincesses spun with the golden spindles; and the dragons layoutside the castles; guarding them。 She told with such an air oftruth; that black spots danced before the eyes of all who heard her;and the floor became black with human blood; terrible to see and tohear; and yet so entertaining; because such a long time had passedsince it all happened。
〃Will it ever knock at my door again?〃 said the man; and hegazed at the door; so that black spots came before his eyes and uponthe floor; he did not know if it was blood; or mourning crape from thedark heavy days。
And as he sat thus; the thought came upon him whether the Storymight not have hidden itself; like the princess in the old tale。 Andhe would now go in search of it; if he found it; it would beam innew splendor; lovelier than ever。
〃Who knows? Perhaps it has hidden itself in the straw thatbalances on the margin of the well。 Carefully; carefully! Perhaps itlies hidden in a certain flower… that flower in one of the great bookson the book…shelf。〃
And the man went and opened one of the newest books; to gaininformation on this point; but there was no flower to be found。There he read about Holger Danske; and the man read that the talehad been invented and put together by a monk in France; that it wasa romance; 〃translated into Danish and printed in that language;〃 thatHolger Danske had never really lived; and consequently could nevere again; as we have sung; and have been so glad to believe。 AndWilliam Tell was treated just like Holger Danske。 These were allonly myths… nothing on which we could depend; and yet it is allwritten in a very learned book。
〃Well; I shall believe what I believe!〃 said the man。 〃There growsno plantain where no foot has trod。〃
And he closed the book and put it back in its place; and went tothe fresh flowers at the window。 Perhaps the Story might have hiddenitself in the red tulips; with the golden yellow edges; or in thefresh rose; or in the beaming camellia。 The sunshine lay among theflowers; but no Story。
The flowers which had been here in the dark troublous time hadbeen much more beautiful; but they had been cut off; one afteranother; to be woven into wreaths and placed in coffins; and theflag had waved over them! Perhaps the Story had been buried with theflowers; but then the flowers would have known of it; and the coffinwould have heard it; and every little blade of grass that shot forthwould have told of it。 The Story never dies。
Perhaps it has been here once; and has knocked; but who had eyesor ears for it in those times? People looked darkly; gloomily; andalmost angrily at the sunshine of spring; at the twittering birds; andall the cheerful green; the tongue could not even bear the oldmerry; popular songs; and they were laid in the coffin with so muchthat our heart held dear。 The Story may have knocked without obtaininga hearing; there was none to bid it wele; and so it may have goneaway。
〃I will go forth and seek it。 Out in the country! out in the wood!and on the open sea beach!〃
Out in the country lies an old manor house; with red walls;pointed gables; and a red flag that floats on the tower。 Thenightingale sings among the finely…fringed beech…leaves; looking atthe blooming apple trees of the garden; and thinking that they bearroses。 Here the bees are mightily busy in the summer…time; and hoverround their queen with their humming song。 The autumn has much to tellof the wild chase; of the leaves of the trees; and of the races of menthat are passing away together。 The wild swans sing atChristmas…time on the open water; while in the old hall the guestsby the fireside gladly listen to songs and to old legends。
Down into the old part of the garden; where the great avenue ofwild chestnut trees lures the wanderer to tread its shades; went theman who was in search of the Story; for here the wind had oncemurmured something to him of 〃Waldemar Daa and his Daughters。〃 TheDryad in the tree; who was the Story…mother herself; had here told himthe 〃Dream of the Old Oak Tree。〃 Here; in the time of the ancestralmother; had stood clipped hedges; but now only ferns and stingingtles grew there; hiding the scattered fragments of old sculpturedfigures; the moss is growing in their eyes; but they can see as wellas ever; which was more than the man could do who was in search of theStory; for he could not find that。 Where could it be?
The crows flew past him by hundreds across the old trees; andscreamed; 〃Krah! da!… Krah! da!〃
And he went out of the garden and over the grass…plot of the yard;into the alder grove; there stood a little six…sided house; with apoultry…yard and a duck…yard。 In the middle of the room sat the oldwoman who had the management of the whole; and who knew accuratelyabout every egg that was laid; and about every chicken that couldcreep out of an egg。 But she was not the Story of which the man was insearch; that she could attest with a Christian certificate ofbaptism and of vaccination that lay in her drawer。
Without; not far from the house; is a hill covered withred…thorn and broom。 Here lies an old grave…stone; which was broughthere many years ago from the churchyard of the provincial town; aremembrance of one of the most honored councillors of the place; hiswife and his five daughters; all with folded hands and stiff ruffs;stand round him。 One could look at them so long; that it had an effectupon the thoughts; and these reacted upon the stones; as if theywere telling of old times; at least it had been so with the man whowas in search of the Story。
As he came nearer; he noticed a living butterfly sitting on theforehead of the sculptured councillor。 The butterfly flapped itswings; and flew a little bit farther; and then returned fatigued tosit upon the grave…stone; as if to point out what grew there。Four…leaved shamrocks grew there; there were seven specimens closeto each other。 When fortune es; it es in a heap。 He pluckedthe shamrocks and put them in his pocket。
〃Fortune is as good as red gold; but a new charming story would bebetter still;〃 thought the man; but he could not find it here。
And the sun went down; round and large; the meadow was coveredwith vapor。 The moor…woman was at her brewing。
It was evening。 He stood alone in his room; and looked out uponthe sea; over the meadow; over moor and coast。 The moon shonebright; a mist was over the meadow; making it look like a greatlake
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