


安徒生童话- 第259部分

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en she told a storythat made the feathers on the other hens bristle up; and the cock'sb fall。 There was no doubt about it。

But we will begin at the beginning; and that is to be found in ahen…roost in another part of the town。 The sun was setting; and thefowls were flying on to their roost; one hen; with white feathersand short legs; used to lay her eggs according to the regulations; andwas; as a hen; respectable in every way。 As she was flying upon theroost; she plucked herself with her beak; and a little feather cameout。

〃There it goes;〃 she said; 〃the more I pluck; the more beautifuldo I get。〃 She said this merrily; for she was the best of the hens;and; moreover; as had been said; very respectable。 With that shewent to sleep。

It was dark all around; and hen sat close to hen; but the onewho sat nearest to her merry neighbour did not sleep。 She had heardand yet not heard; as we are often obliged to do in this world; inorder to live at peace; but she could not keep it from her neighbouron the other side any longer。 〃Did you hear what was said? I mentionno names; but there is a hen here who intends to pluck herself inorder to look well。 If I were a cock; I should despise her。〃

Just over the fowls sat the owl; with father owl and the littleowls。 The family has sharp ears; and they all heard every word thattheir neighbour had said。 They rolled their eyes; and mother owl;beating her wings; said: 〃Don't listen to her! But I suppose you heardwhat was said? I heard it with my own ears; and one has to hear agreat deal before they fall off。 There is one among the fowls whohas so far forgotten what is being to a hen that she plucks out allher feathers and lets the cock see it。〃

〃Prenez garde aux enfants!〃 said father owl; 〃children shouldnot hear such things。〃

〃But I must tell our neighbour owl about it; she is such anestimable owl to talk to。〃 And with that she flew away。

〃Too…whoo! Too…whoo!〃 they both hooted into the neighbour'sdove…cot to the doves inside。 〃Have you heard? Have you heard?Too…whoo! There is a hen who has plucked out all her feathers forthe sake of the cock; she will freeze to death; if she is not frozenalready。 Too…whoo!〃

〃Where? where?〃 cooed the doves。

〃In the neighbour's yard。 I have as good as seen it myself。 Itis almost unbeing to tell the story; but there is no doubt aboutit。〃

〃Believe every word of what we tell you;〃 said the doves; andcooed down into their poultry…yard。 〃There is a hen… nay; some saythat there are two… who have plucked out all their feathers; inorder not to look like the others; and to attract the attention of thecock。 It is a dangerous game; for one can easily catch cold and diefrom fever; and both of these are dead already。〃

〃Wake up! wake up!〃 crowed the cock; and flew upon his board。Sleep was still in his eyes; but yet he crowed out: 〃Three hens havedied of their unfortunate love for a cock。 They had plucked out alltheir feathers。 It is a horrible story: I will not keep it tomyself; but let it go farther。〃

〃Let it go farther;〃 shrieked the bats; and the hens clucked andthe cocks crowed; 〃Let it go farther! Let it go farther!〃 In thisway the story travelled from poultry…yard to poultry…yard; and at lastcame back to the place from which it had really started。

〃Five hens;〃 it now ran; 〃have plucked out all their feathers toshow which of them had grown leanest for love of the cock; and thenthey all pecked at each other till the blood ran down and they felldown dead; to the derision and shame of their family; and to the greatloss of their owner。〃

The hen who had lost the loose little feather naturally did notrecognise her own story; and being a respectable hen; said: 〃I despisethose fowls; but there are more of that kind。 Such things ought not tobe concealed; and I will do my best to get the story into thepapers; so that it bees known throughout the land; the hens haverichly deserved it; and their family too。〃

It got into the papers; it was printed; and there is no doubtabout it; one little feather may easily grow into five hens。





   by Hans Christian Andersen

ON one of the Danish islands; where old Thingstones; the seatsof justice of our forefathers; still stand in the cornfields; and hugetrees rise in the forests of beech; there lies a little town whose lowhouses are covered with red tiles。 In one of these houses strangethings were brewing over the glowing coals on the open hearth; therewas a boiling going on in glasses; and a mixing and distilling;while herbs were being cut up and pounded in mortars。 An elderly manlooked after it all。

〃One must only do the right thing;〃 he said; 〃yes; the right…the correct thing。 One must find out the truth concerning everycreated particle; and keep to that。〃

In the room with the good housewife sat her two sons; they werestill small; but had great thoughts。 Their mother; too; had alwaysspoken to them of right and justice; and exhorted them to keep tothe truth; which she said was the countenance of the Lord in thisworld。

The elder of the boys looked roguish and enterprising。 He took adelight in reading of the forces of nature; of the sun and the moon;no fairy tale pleased him so much。 Oh; how beautiful it must be; hethought; to go on voyages of discovery; or to find out how toimitate the wings of birds and then to be able to fly! Yes; to findthat out was the right thing。 Father was right; and mother wasright… truth holds the world together。

The younger brother was quieter; and buried himself entirely inhis books。 When he read about Jacob dressing himself in sheep…skins topersonify Esau; and so to usurp his brother's birthright; he wouldclench his little fist in anger against the deceiver; when he readof tyrants and of the injustice and wickedness of the world; tearswould e into his eyes; and he was quite filled with the thoughtof the justice and truth which must and would triumph。

One evening he was lying in bed; but the curtains were not yetdrawn close; and the light streamed in upon him; he had taken his bookinto bed with him; for he wanted to finish reading the story of Solon。His thoughts lifted and carried him away a wonderful distance; itseemed to him as if the bed had bee a ship flying along underfull sail。 Was he dreaming; or what was happening? It glided overthe rolling waves and across the ocean of time; and to him came thevoice of Solon; spoken in a strange tongue; yet intelligible to him;he heard the Danish motto: 〃By law the land is ruled。〃

The genius of the human race stood in the humble room; bent downover the bed and imprinted a kiss on the boy's forehead: 〃Be thoustrong in fame and strong in the battle of life! With truth in thyheart fly toward the land of truth!〃

The elder brother was not yet in bed; he was standing at thewindow looking out at the mist which rose from the meadows。 Theywere not elves dancing out there; as their old nurse had told him;he knew better… they were vapours which were warmer than the air;and that is why they rose。 A shooting star lit up the sky; and theboy's thoughts passed in a second from the vapours of the earth upto the shining meteor。 The stars gleamed in the heave

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