


安徒生童话- 第260部分

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ed in a second from the vapours of the earth upto the shining meteor。 The stars gleamed in the heavens; and it seemedas if long golden threads hung down from them to the earth。

〃Fly with me;〃 sang a voice; which the boy heard in his heart。 Andthe mighty genius of mankind; swifter than a bird and than an arrow…swifter than anything of earthly origin… carried him out into space;where the heavenly bodies are bound together by the rays that passfrom star to star。 Our earth revolved in the thin air; and thecities upon it seemed to lie close to each other。 Through thespheres echoed the words:

〃What is near; what is far; when thou art lifted by the mightygenius of mind?〃

And again the boy stood by the window; gazing out; whilst hisyounger brother lay in bed。 Their mother called them by their names:〃Anders Sandoe〃 and 〃Hans Christian。〃

Denmark and the whole world knows them… the two brothers Oersted。





   by Hans Christian Andersen

HAVE you ever seen a maiden? I mean what our pavers call a maiden;a thing with which they ram down the paving…stones in the roads。 Amaiden of this kind is made altogether of wood; broad below; andgirt round with iron rings。 At the top she is narrow; and has astick passed across through her waist; and this stick forms the armsof the maiden。

In the shed stood two Maidens of this kind。 They had their placeamong shovels; hand…carts; wheelbarrows; and measuring…tapes; and toall this pany the news had e that the Maidens were no longerto be called 〃maidens;〃 but 〃hand…rammers;〃 which word was thenewest and the only correct designation among the pavers for the thingwe all know from the old times by the name of 〃the maiden。〃

Now; there are among us human creatures certain individuals whoare known as 〃emancipated women;〃 as; for instance; principals ofinstitutions; dancers who stand professionally on one leg;milliners; and sick…nurses; and with this class of emancipated womenthe two Maidens in the shed associated themselves。 They were 〃maidens〃among the paver folk; and determined not to give up this honorableappellation; and let themselves be miscalled 〃rammers。

〃Maiden is a human name; but hand…rammer is a thing; and wewon't be called things… that's insulting us。〃

〃My lover would be ready to give up his engagement;〃 said theyoungest; who was betrothed to a paver's hammer; and the hammer is thething which drives great piles into the earth; like a machine; andtherefore does on a large scale what ten maidens effect in a similarway。 〃He wants to marry me as a maiden; but whether he would have mewere I a hand…rammer is a question; so I won't have my name changed。〃

〃And I;〃 said the elder one; 〃would rather have both my armsbroken off。〃

But the Wheelbarrow was of a different opinion; and theWheelbarrow was looked upon as of some consequence; for heconsidered himself a quarter of a coach; because he went about uponone wheel。

〃I must submit to your notice;〃 he said; 〃that the name 'maiden'is mon enough; and not nearly so refined as 'hand…rammer;' or'stamper;' which latter has also been proposed; and through whichyou would be introduced into the category of seals; and only thinkof the great stamp of state; which impresses the royal seal that giveseffect to the laws! No; in your case I would surrender my maidenname。〃

〃No; certainly not!〃 exclaimed the elder。 〃I am too old for that。〃

〃I presume you have never heard of what is called 'Europeannecessity?'〃 observed the honest Measuring Tape。 〃One must be ableto adapt one's self to time and circumstances; and if there is a lawthat the 'maiden' is to be called 'hand…rammer;' why; she must becalled 'hand…rammer;' and no pouting will avail; for everything hasits measure。〃

〃No; if there must be a change;〃 said the younger; 〃I shouldprefer to be called 'Missy;' for that reminds one a little ofmaidens。〃

〃But I would rather be chopped to chips;〃 said the elder。

At last they all went to work。 The Maidens rode… that is; theywere put in a wheelbarrow; and that was a distinction; but stillthey were called 〃hand…rammers。〃

〃Mai…!〃 they said; as they were bumped upon the pavement。〃Mai…!〃 and they were very nearly pronouncing the whole word 〃maiden;〃but they broke off short; and swallowed the last syllable; for aftermature deliberation they considered it beneath their dignity toprotest。 But they always called each other 〃maiden;〃 and praised thegood old days in which everything had been called by its right name;and those who were maidens were called maidens。 And they remained asthey were; for the hammer really broke off his engagement with theyounger one; for nothing would suit him but he must have a maidenfor his bride。





   by Hans Christian Andersen

THE region round the little town of Kjoge is very bleak andcold。 The town lies on the sea shore; which is always beautiful; buthere it might be more beautiful than it is; for on every side thefields are flat; and it is a long way to the forest。 But whenpersons reside in a place and get used to it; they can always findsomething beautiful in it;… something for which they long; even in themost charming spot in the world which is not home。 It must be ownedthat there are in the outskirts of the town some humble gardens on thebanks of a little stream that runs on towards the sea; and in summerthese gardens look very pretty。 Such indeed was the opinion of twolittle children; whose parents were neighbors; and who played in thesegardens; and forced their way from one garden to the other through thegooseberry…bushes that divided them。 In one of the gardens grew anelder…tree; and in the other an old willow; under which the childrenwere very fond of playing。 They had permission to do so; althoughthe tree stood close by the stream; and they might easily havefallen into the water; but the eye of God watches over the littleones; otherwise they would never be safe。 At the same time; thesechildren were very careful not to go too near the water; indeed; theboy was so afraid of it; that in the summer; while the otherchildren were splashing about in the sea; nothing could entice himto join them。 They jeered and laughed at him; and he was obliged tobear it all as patiently as he could。 Once the neighbor's little girl;Joanna; dreamed that she was sailing in a boat; and the boy… Knudwas his name… waded out in the water to join her; and the water cameup to his neck; and at last closed over his head; and in a moment hehad disappeared。 When little Knud heard this dream; it seemed as if hecould not bear the mocking and jeering again; how could he dare togo into the water now; after Joanna's dream! He never would do it; forthis dream always satisfied him。 The parents of these children; whowere poor; often sat together while Knud and Joanna played in thegardens or in the road。 Along this road… a row of willow…trees hadbeen planted to separate it from a ditch on one side of it。 Theywere not very handsome trees; for the tops had been cut off;however; they were intended for use; and not for show。 The oldwillow…tree in the garden was much handsomer; and t

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