LittleIb; a boy of seven years old and the only child; would sit by;watching the workmen; or cutting a stick; and sometimes his fingerinstead of the stick。 But one day Ib succeeded so well in hiscarving that he made two pieces of wood look really like two littlewooden shoes; and he determined to give them as a present to LittleChristina。
〃And who was Little Christina?〃 She was the boatman's daughter;graceful and delicate as the child of a gentleman; had she beendressed differently; no one would have believed that she lived in ahut on the neighboring heath with her father。 He was a widower; andearned his living by carrying firewood in his large boat from theforest to the eel…pond and eel…weir; on the estate of Silkborg; andsometimes even to the distant town of Randers。 There was no oneunder whose care he could leave Little Christina; so she was almostalways with him in his boat; or playing in the wood among theblossoming heath; or picking the ripe wild berries。 Sometimes; whenher father had to go as far as the town; he would take LittleChristina; who was a year younger than Ib; across the heath to thecottage of Jeppe Jans; and leave her there。 Ib and Christina agreedtogether in everything; they divided their bread and berries when theywere hungry; they were partners in digging their little gardens;they ran; and crept; and played about everywhere。 Once they wandered along way into the forest; and even ventured together to climb the highridge。 Another time they found a few snipes' eggs in the wood; whichwas a great event。 Ib had never been on the heath where Christina'sfather lived; nor on the river; but at last came an opportunity。Christina's father invited him to go for a sail in his boat; and theevening before; he acpanied the boatman across the heath to hishouse。 The next morning early; the two children were placed on the topof a high pile of firewood in the boat; and sat eating bread andwild strawberries; while Christina's father and his man drove the boatforward with poles。 They floated on swiftly; for the tide was in theirfavor; passing over lakes; formed by the stream in its course;sometimes they seemed quite enclosed by reeds and water…plants; yetthere was always room for them to pass out; although the old treesoverhung the water and the old oaks stretched out their bare branches;as if they had turned up their sleeves and wished to show theirknotty; naked arms。 Old alder…trees; whose roots were loosened fromthe banks; clung with their fibres to the bottom of the stream; andthe tops of the branches above the water looked like little woodyislands。 The water…lilies waved themselves to and fro on the river;everything made the excursion beautiful; and at last they came tothe great eel…weir; where the water rushed through the flood…gates;and the children thought this a beautiful sight。 In those days therewas no factory nor any town house; nothing but the great farm; withits scanty…bearing fields; in which could be seen a few herd ofcattle; and one or two farm laborers。 The rushing of the water throughthe sluices; and the scream of the wild ducks; were almost the onlysigns of active life at Silkborg。 After the firewood had beenunloaded; Christina's father bought a whole bundle of eels and asucking…pig; which were all placed in a basket in the stern of theboat。 Then they returned again up the stream; and as the wind wasfavorable; two sails were hoisted; which carried the boat on as wellas if two horses had been harnessed to it。 As they sailed on; theycame by chance to the place where the boatman's assistant lived; ata little distance from the bank of the river。 The boat was moored; andthe two men; after desiring the children to sit still; both went onshore。 they obeyed this order for a very short time; and then forgotit altogether。 First they peeped into the basket containing the eelsand the sucking…pig; then they must needs pull out the pig and take itin their hands; and feel it; and touch it; and as they both wantedto hold it at the same time; the consequence was that they let it fallinto the water; and the pig sailed away with the stream。
Here was a terrible disaster。 Ib jumped ashore; and ran a littledistance from the boat。
〃Oh; take me with you;〃 cried Christina; and she sprang after him。In a few minutes they found themselves deep in a thicket; and could nolonger see the boat or the shore。 They ran on a little farther; andthen Christina fell down; and began to cry。
Ib helped her up; and said; 〃Never mind; follow me。 Yonder isthe house。〃 But the house was not yonder; and they wandered stillfarther; over the dry rustling leaves of the last year; and treadingon fallen branches that crackled under their little feet; then theyheard a loud; piercing cry; and they stood still to listen。Presently the scream of an eagle sounded through the wood; it was anugly cry; and it frightened the children; but before them; in thethickest part of the forest; grew the most beautiful blackberries;in wonderful quantities。 They looked so inviting that the childrencould not help stopping; and they remained there so long eating;that their mouths and cheeks became quite black with the juice。
Presently they heard the frightful scream again; and Christinasaid; 〃We shall get into trouble about that pig。〃
〃Oh; never mind;〃 said Ib; 〃we will go home to my father'shouse。 It is here in the wood。〃 So they went on; but the road led themout of the way; no house could be seen; it grew dark; and the childrenwere afraid。 The solemn stillness that reigned around them was now andthen broken by the shrill cries of the great horned owl and otherbirds that they knew nothing of。 At last they both lost themselvesin the thicket; Christina began to cry; and then Ib cried too; and;after weeping and lamenting for some time; they stretched themselvesdown on the dry leaves and fell asleep。
The sun was high in the heavens when the two children woke。 Theyfelt cold; but not far from their resting…place; on a hill; the sunwas shining through the trees。 They thought if they went there theyshould be warm; and Ib fancied he should be able to see his father'shouse from such a high spot。 But they were far away from home now;in quite another part of the forest。 They clambered to the top ofthe rising ground; and found themselves on the edge of a declivity;which sloped down to a clear transparent lake。 Great quantities offish could be seen through the clear water; sparkling in the sun'srays; they were quite surprised when they came so suddenly upon suchan unexpected sight。
Close to where they stood grew a hazel…bush; covered withbeautiful nuts。 They soon gathered some; cracked them; and ate thefine young kernels; which were only just ripe。 But there was anothersurprise and fright in store for them。 Out of the thicket stepped atall old woman; her face quite brown; and her hair of a deep shiningblack; the whites of her eyes glittered like a Moor's; on her back shecarried a bundle; and in her hand a knotted stick。 She was a gypsy。The children did not at first understand what she said。 She drew outof her pocket three large nuts; in which she told them were hidden themost beautiful and lovely things in the world; for they were wishingnuts。 Ib looked at her; and as she spoke