〃This evening the two elder children were a little boisterous。 Oneof them hopped about on one leg in his long white nightgown; and theother stood on a chair surrounded by the clothes of all thechildren; and declared he was acting Grecian statues。 The third andfourth laid the clean linen carefully in the box; for that is athing that has to be done; and the mother sat by the bed of theyoungest; and announced to all the rest that they were to be quiet;for little sister was going to say her prayers。
〃I looked in; over the lamp; into the little maiden's bed; whereshe lay under the neat white coverlet; her hands folded demurely andher little face quite grave and serious。 She was praying the Lord'sprayer aloud。 But her mother interrupted her in the middle of herprayer。 'How is it;' she asked; 'that when you have prayed for dailybread; you always add something I cannot understand? You must tellme what that is。' The little one lay silent; and looked at hermother in embarrassment。 'What is it you say after our daily bread?''Dear mother; don't be angry: I only said; and plenty of butter onit。'〃
by Hans Christian Andersen
I WILL tell you a story that was told me when I was a littleboy。 Every time I thought of this story; it seemed to me more and morecharming; for it is with stories as it is with many people… theybee better as they grow older。
I have no doubt that you have been in the country; and seen a veryold farmhouse; with a thatched roof; and mosses and small plantsgrowing wild upon it。 There is a stork's nest on the ridge of thegable; for we cannot do without the stork。 The walls of the houseare sloping; and the windows are low; and only one of the latter ismade to open。 The baking…oven sticks out of the wall like a greatknob。 An elder…tree hangs over the palings; and beneath itsbranches; at the foot of the paling; is a pool of water; in which afew ducks are disporting themselves。 There is a yard…dog too; whobarks at all corners。 Just such a farmhouse as this stood in a countrylane; and in it dwelt an old couple; a peasant and his wife。 Smallas their possessions were; they had one article they could not dowithout; and that was a horse; which contrived to live upon thegrass which it found by the side of the high road。 The old peasantrode into the town upon this horse; and his neighbors often borrowedit of him; and paid for the loan of it by rendering some service tothe old couple。 After a time they thought it would be as well tosell the horse; or exchange it for something which might be moreuseful to them。 But what might this something be?
〃You'll know best; old man;〃 said the wife。 〃It is fair…dayto…day; so ride into town; and get rid of the horse for money; or makea good exchange; whichever you do will be right to me; so ride to thefair。〃
And she fastened his neckerchief for him; for she could do thatbetter than he could; and she could also tie it very prettily in adouble bow。 She also smoothed his hat round and round with the palm ofher hand; and gave him a kiss。 Then he rode away upon the horse thatwas to be sold or bartered for something else。 Yes; the old man knewwhat he was about。 The sun shone with great heat; and not a cloudwas to be seen in the sky。 The road was very dusty; for a number ofpeople; all going to the fair; were driving; riding; or walking uponit。 There was no shelter anywhere from the hot sunshine。 Among therest a man came trudging along; and driving a cow to the fair。 The cowwas as beautiful a creature as any cow could be。
〃She gives good milk; I am certain;〃 said the peasant tohimself。 〃That would be a very good exchange: the cow for the horse。Hallo there! you with the cow;〃 he said。 〃I tell you what; I daresay a horse is of more value than a cow; but I don't care for that;… acow will be more useful to me; so; if you like; we'll exchange。〃
〃To be sure I will;〃 said the man。
Accordingly the exchange was made; and as the matter wassettled; the peasant might have turned back; for he had done thebusiness he came to do。 But; having made up his mind to go to thefair; he determined to do so; if only to have a look at it; so on hewent to the town with his cow。 Leading the animal; he strode onsturdily; and; after a short time; overtook a man who was driving asheep。 It was a good fat sheep; with a fine fleece on its back。
〃I should like to have that fellow;〃 said the peasant tohimself。 〃There is plenty of grass for him by our palings; and inthe winter we could keep him in the room with us。 Perhaps it wouldbe more profitable to have a sheep than a cow。 Shall I exchange?〃
The man with the sheep was quite ready; and the bargain wasquickly made。 And then our peasant continued his way on thehigh…road with his sheep。 Soon after this; he overtook another man;who had e into the road from a field; and was carrying a largegoose under his arm。
〃What a heavy creature you have there!〃 said the peasant; 〃ithas plenty of feathers and plenty of fat; and would look well tiedto a string; or paddling in the water at our place。 That would be veryuseful to my old woman; she could make all sorts of profits out of it。How often she has said; 'If now we only had a goose!' Now here is anopportunity; and; if possible; I will get it for her。 Shall weexchange? I will give you my sheep for your goose; and thanks into thebargain。〃
The other had not the least objection; and accordingly theexchange was made; and our peasant became possessor of the goose。 Bythis time he had arrived very near the town。 The crowd on the highroad had been gradually increasing; and there was quite a rush ofmen and cattle。 The cattle walked on the path and by the palings;and at the turnpike…gate they even walked into the toll…keeper'spotato…field; where one fowl was strutting about with a string tied toits leg; for fear it should take fright at the crowd; and run away andget lost。 The tail…feathers of the fowl were very short; and it winkedwith both its eyes; and looked very cunning; as it said 〃Cluck;cluck。〃 What were the thoughts of the fowl as it said this I cannottell you; but directly our good man saw it; he thought; 〃Why that'sthe finest fowl I ever saw in my life; it's finer than our parson'sbrood hen; upon my word。 I should like to have that fowl。 Fowls canalways pick up a few grains that lie about; and almost keepthemselves。 I think it would be a good exchange if I could get itfor my goose。 Shall we exchange?〃 he asked the toll…keeper。
〃Exchange;〃 repeated the man; 〃well; it would not be a bad thing。〃
And so they made an exchange;… the toll…keeper at theturnpike…gate kept the goose; and the peasant carried off the fowl。Now he had really done a great deal of business on his way to thefair; and he was hot and tired。 He wanted something to eat; and aglass of ale to refresh himself; so he turned his steps to an inn。He was just about to enter when the ostler came out; and they met atthe door。 The ostler was carrying a sack。 〃What have you in thatsack?〃 asked the peasant。
〃Rotten apples;〃 answered the ostler; 〃a whole sackful of them。They will do to feed the pigs with。〃
〃Why that will be terrible waste;〃 he repli
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