utiful and lovely things in the world; for they were wishingnuts。 Ib looked at her; and as she spoke so kindly; he took courage;and asked her if she would give him the nuts; and the woman gavethem to him; and then gathered some more from the bushes forherself; quite a pocket full。 Ib and Christina looked at the wishingnuts with wide open eyes。
〃Is there in this nut a carriage; with a pair of horses?〃 askedIb。
〃Yes; there is a golden carriage; with two golden horses;〃 repliedthe woman。
〃Then give me that nut;〃 said Christina; so Ib gave it to her; andthe strange woman tied up the nut for her in her handkerchief。
Ib held up another nut。 〃Is there; in this nut; a pretty littleneckerchief like the one Christina has on her neck?〃 asked Ib。
〃There are ten neckerchiefs in it;〃 she replied; 〃as well asbeautiful dresses; stockings; and a hat and veil。〃
〃Then I will have that one also;〃 said Christina; 〃and it is apretty one too。 And then Ib gave her the second nut。
The third was a little black thing。 〃You may keep that one;〃said Christina; 〃it is quite as pretty。〃
〃What is in it?〃 asked Ib。
〃The best of all things for you;〃 replied the gypsy。 So Ib heldthe nut very tight。
Then the woman promised to lead the children to the right path;that they might find their way home: and they went forward certainlyin quite another direction to the one they meant to take; therefore noone ought to speak against the woman; and say that she wanted to stealthe children。 In the wild wood…path they met a forester who knew Ib;and; by his help; Ib and Christina reached home; where they foundevery one had been very anxious about them。 They were pardoned andforgiven; although they really had both done wrong; and deserved toget into trouble; first; because they had let the sucking…pig fallinto the water; and; secondly; because they had run away。 Christinawas taken back to her father's house on the heath; and Ib remainedin the farm…house on the borders of the wood; near the great landridge。
The first thing Ib did that evening was to take out of hispocket the little black nut; in which the best thing of all was saidto be enclosed。 He laid it carefully between the door and thedoor…post; and then shut the door so that the nut cracked directly。But there was not much kernel to be seen; it was what we should callhollow or worm…eaten; and looked as if it had been filled with tobaccoor rich black earth。 〃It is just what I expected!〃 exclaimed Ib。〃How should there be room in a little nut like this for the best thingof all? Christina will find her two nuts just the same; there willbe neither fine clothes or a golden carriage in them。〃
Winter came; and the new year; and indeed many years passedaway; until Ib was old enough to be confirmed; and; therefore; he wentduring a whole winter to the clergyman of the nearest village to beprepared。
One day; about this time; the boatman paid a visit to Ib'sparents; and told them that Christina was going to service; and thatshe had been remarkably fortunate in obtaining a good place; with mostrespectable people。 〃Only think;〃 he said; 〃She is going to the richinnkeeper's; at the hotel in Herning; many miles west from here。 Sheis to assist the landlady in the housekeeping; and; if afterwardsshe behaves well and remains to be confirmed; the people will treather as their own daughter。〃
So Ib and Christina took leave of each other。 People alreadycalled them 〃the betrothed;〃 and at parting the girl showed Ib the twonuts; which she had taken care of ever since the time that they lostthemselves in the wood; and she told him also that the little woodenshoes he once carved for her when he was a boy; and gave her as apresent; had been carefully kept in a drawer ever since。 And so theyparted。
After Ib's confirmation; he remained at home with his mother;for he had bee a clever shoemaker; and in summer managed the farmfor her quite alone。 His father had been dead some time; and hismother kept no farm servants。 Sometimes; but very seldom; he heardof Christina; through a postillion or eel…seller who was passing。But she was well off with the rich innkeeper; and after beingconfirmed she wrote a letter to her father; in which was a kindmessage to Ib and his mother。 In this letter; she mentioned that hermaster and mistress had made her a present of a beautiful new dress;and some nice under…clothes。 This was; of course; pleasant news。
One day; in the following spring; there came a knock at the doorof the house where Ib's old mother lived; and when they opened it;lo and behold; in stepped the boatman and Christina。 She had e topay them a visit; and to spend the day。 A carriage had to e fromthe Herning hotel to the next village; and she had taken theopportunity to see her friends once more。 She looked as elegant as areal lady; and wore a pretty dress; beautifully made on purpose forher。 There she stood; in full dress; while Ib wore only his workingclothes。 He could not utter a word; he could only seize her hand andhold it fast in his own; but he felt too happy and glad to open hislips。 Christina; however; was quite at her ease; she talked andtalked; and kissed him in the most friendly manner。 Even afterwards;when they were left alone; and she asked; 〃Did you know me again; Ib?〃he still stood holding her hand; and said at last; 〃You are beequite a grand lady; Christina; and I am only a rough working man;but I have often thought of you and of old times。〃 Then theywandered up the great ridge; and looked across the stream to theheath; where the little hills were covered with the flowering broom。Ib said nothing; but before the time came for them to part; itbecame quite clear to him that Christina must be his wife: had theynot even in childhood been called the betrothed? To him it seemed asif they were really engaged to each other; although not a word hadbeen spoken on the subject。 They had only a few more hours to remaintogether; for Christina was obliged to return that evening to theneighboring village; to be ready for the carriage which was to startthe next morning early for Herning。 Ib and her father acpaniedher to the village。 It was a fine moonlight evening; and when theyarrived; Ib stood holding Christina's hand in his; as if he couldnot let her go。 His eyes brightened; and the words he uttered camewith hesitation from his lips; but from the deepest recesses of hisheart: 〃Christina; if you have not bee too grand; and if you can becontented to live in my mother's house as my wife; we will bemarried some day。 But we can wait for a while。〃
〃Oh yes;〃 she replied; 〃Let us wait a little longer; Ib。 I cantrust you; for I believe that I do love you。 But let me think itover。〃 Then he kissed her lips; and so they parted。
On the way home; Ib told the boatman that he and Christina were asgood as engaged to each other; and the boatman found out that he hadalways expected it would be so; and went home with Ib that evening;and remained the night in the farmhouse; but nothing further wassaid of the engagement。 During the next year; two letters passedbetween Ib and Christina。 They were signed; 〃Faithful till death;〃 butat the end of that time; one day the boatman came over to see Ib; witha kind greeting from Christina。 He h