not belong to his system of botany; nor could he possibly find outto what class it did belong。 〃It must be some degenerate species;〃said he; 〃I do not know it; and it is not mentioned in any system。〃
〃Not known in any system!〃 repeated the thistles and the tles。
The large trees which grew round it saw the plant and heard theremarks; but they said not a word either good or bad; which is thewisest plan for those who are ignorant。
There passed through the forest a poor innocent girl; her heartwas pure; and her understanding increased by her faith。 Her chiefinheritance had been an old Bible; which she read and valued。 From itspages she heard the voice of God speaking to her; and telling her toremember what was said of Joseph's brethren when persons wished toinjure her。 〃They imagined evil in their hearts; but God turned itto good。〃 If we suffer wrongfully; if we are misunderstood ordespised; we must think of Him who was pure and holy; and who prayedfor those who nailed Him to the cross; 〃Father forgive them; forthey know not what they do。〃
The girl stood still before the wonderful plant; for the greenleaves exhaled a sweet and refreshing fragrance; and the flowersglittered and sparkled in the sunshine like colored flames; and theharmony of sweet sounds lingered round them as if each concealedwithin itself a deep fount of melody; which thousands of years couldnot exhaust。 With pious gratitude the girl looked upon this gloriouswork of God; and bent down over one of the branches; that she mightexamine the flower and inhale the sweet perfume。 Then a light broke inon her mind; and her heart expanded。 Gladly would she have plucked aflower; but she could not overe her reluctance to break one off。She knew it would so soon fade; so she took only a single greenleaf; carried it home; and laid it in her Bible; where it remainedever green; fresh; and unfading。 Between the pages of the Bible itstill lay when; a few weeks afterwards; that Bible was laid underthe young girl's head in her coffin。 A holy calm rested on her face;as if the earthly remains bore the impress of the truth that she nowstood in the presence of God。
In the forest the wonderful plant still continued to bloom till itgrew and became almost a tree; and all the birds of passage bowedthemselves before it。
〃That plant is a foreigner; no doubt;〃 said the thistles and theburdocks。 〃We can never conduct ourselves like that in thiscountry。〃 And the black forest snails actually spat at the flower。
Then came the swineherd; he was collecting thistles and shrubsto burn them for the ashes。 He pulled up the wonderful plant; rootsand all; and placed it in his bundle。 〃This will be as useful as any;〃he said; so the plant was carried away。
Not long after; the king of the country suffered from thedeepest melancholy。 He was diligent and industrious; but employmentdid him no good。 They read deep and learned books to him; and then thelightest and most trifling that could be found; but all to no purpose。Then they applied for advice to one of the wise men of the world;and he sent them a message to say that there was one remedy whichwould relieve and cure him; and that it was a plant of heavenly originwhich grew in the forest in the king's own dominions。 The messengerdescribed the flower so that is appearance could not be mistaken。
Then said the swineherd; 〃I am afraid I carried this plant awayfrom the forest in my bundle; and it has been burnt to ashes long ago。But I did not know any better。〃
〃You did not know; any better! Ignorance upon ignorance indeed!〃
The poor swineherd took these words to heart; for they wereaddressed to him; he knew not that there were others who wereequally ignorant。 Not even a leaf of the plant could be found。 Therewas one; but it lay in the coffin of the dead; no one knew anythingabout it。
Then the king; in his melancholy; wandered out to the spot inthe wood。 〃Here is where the plant stood;〃 he said; 〃it is a sacredplace。〃 Then he ordered that the place should be surrounded with agolden railing; and a sentry stationed near it。
The botanical professor wrote a long treatise about the heavenlyplant; and for this he was loaded with gold; which improved theposition of himself and his family。
And this part is really the most pleasant part of the story。 Forthe plant had disappeared; and the king remained as melancholy and sadas ever; but the sentry said he had always been so。
by Hans Christian Andersen
ALL the songs of the east speak of the love of the nightingale forthe rose in the silent starlight night。 The winged songsterserenades the fragrant flowers。
Not far from Smyrna; where the merchant drives his loadedcamels; proudly arching their long necks as they journey beneath thelofty pines over holy ground; I saw a hedge of roses。 Theturtle…dove flew among the branches of the tall trees; and as thesunbeams fell upon her wings; they glistened as if they weremother…of…pearl。 On the rose…bush grew a flower; more beautiful thanthem all; and to her the nightingale sung of his woes; but the roseremained silent; not even a dewdrop lay like a tear of sympathy on herleaves。 At last she bowed her head over a heap of stones; and said;〃Here rests the greatest singer in the world; over his tomb will Ispread my fragrance; and on it I will let my leaves fall when thestorm scatters them。 He who sung of Troy became earth; and from thatearth I have sprung。 I; a rose from the grave of Homer; am too loftyto bloom for a nightingale。〃 Then the nightingale sung himself todeath。 A camel…driver came by; with his loaded camels and his blackslaves; his little son found the dead bird; and buried the lovelysongster in the grave of the great Homer; while the rose trembled inthe wind。
The evening came; and the rose wrapped her leaves more closelyround her; and dreamed: and this was her dream。
It was a fair sunshiny day; a crowd of strangers drew near who hadundertaken a pilgrimage to the grave of Homer。 Among the strangers wasa minstrel from the north; the home of the clouds and the brilliantlights of the aurora borealis。 He plucked the rose and placed it ina book; and carried it away into a distant part of the world; hisfatherland。 The rose faded with grief; and lay between the leaves ofthe book; which he opened in his own home; saying; 〃Here is a rosefrom the grave of Homer。〃
Then the flower awoke from her dream; and trembled in the wind。A drop of dew fell from the leaves upon the singer's grave。 The sunrose; and the flower bloomed more beautiful than ever。 The day washot; and she was still in her own warm Asia。 Then footstepsapproached; strangers; such as the rose had seen in her dream; cameby; and among them was a poet from the north; he plucked the rose;pressed a kiss upon her fresh mouth; and carried her away to thehome of the clouds and the northern lights。 Like a mummy; the flowernow rests in his 〃Iliad;〃 and; as in her dream; she hears him say;as he opens the book; 〃Here is a rose from the grave of Homer。〃
by Hans Christian Andersen
IN the garden all the apple…tre