


安徒生童话- 第35部分

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〃So you shall;〃 said the farmer; 〃but you must take away the chestas well。 I would not have it in the house another hour; there is noknowing if he may not be still there。〃

So Little Claus gave the farmer the sack containing the driedhorse's skin; and received in exchange a bushel of money… fullmeasure。 The farmer also gave him a wheelbarrow on which to carry awaythe chest and the gold。

〃Farewell;〃 said Little Claus; as he went off with his money andthe great chest; in which the sexton lay still concealed。 On oneside of the forest was a broad; deep river; the water flowed sorapidly that very few were able to swim against the stream。 A newbridge had lately been built across it; and in the middle of thisbridge Little Claus stopped; and said; loud enough to be heard bythe sexton; 〃Now what shall I do with this stupid chest; it is asheavy as if it were full of stones: I shall be tired if I roll itany farther; so I may as well throw it in the river; if it swims afterme to my house; well and good; and if not; it will not much matter。〃

So he seized the chest in his hand and lifted it up a little; asif he were going to throw it into the water。

〃No; leave it alone;〃 cried the sexton from within the chest; 〃letme out first。〃

〃Oh;〃 exclaimed Little Claus; pretending to be frightened; 〃heis in there still; is he? I must throw him into the river; that he maybe drowned。〃

〃Oh; no; oh; no;〃 cried the sexton; 〃I will give you a wholebushel full of money if you will let me go。

〃Why; that is another matter;〃 said Little Claus; opening thechest。 The sexton crept out; pushed the empty chest into the water;and went to his house; then he measured out a whole bushel full ofgold for Little Claus; who had already received one from the farmer;so that now he had a barrow full。

〃I have been well paid for my horse;〃 said he to himself when hereached home; entered his own room; and emptied all his money into aheap on the floor。 〃How vexed Great Claus will be when he finds outhow rich I have bee all through my one horse; but I shall nottell him exactly how it all happened。〃 Then he sent a boy to GreatClaus to borrow a bushel measure。

〃What can he want it for?〃 thought Great Claus; so he smearedthe bottom of the measure with tar; that some of whatever was put intoit might stick there and remain。 And so it happened; for when themeasure returned; three new silver florins were sticking to it。

〃What does this mean?〃 said Great Claus; so he ran off directly toLittle Claus; and asked; 〃Where did you get so much money?〃

〃Oh; for my horse's skin; I sold it yesterday。〃

〃It was certainly well paid for then;〃 said Great Claus; and heran home to his house; seized a hatchet; and knocked all his fourhorses on the head; flayed off their skins; and took them to thetown to sell。 〃Skins; skins; who'll buy skins?〃 he cried; as he wentthrough the streets。 All the shoemakers and tanners came running;and asked how much he wanted for them。

〃A bushel of money; for each;〃 replied Great Claus。

〃Are you mad?〃 they all cried; 〃do you think we have money tospend by the bushel?〃

〃Skins; skins;〃 he cried again; 〃who'll buy skins?〃 but to all whoinquired the price; his answer was; 〃a bushel of money。〃

〃He is making fools of us;〃 said they all; then the shoemakerstook their straps; and the tanners their leather aprons; and beganto beat Great Claus。

〃Skins; skins!〃 they cried; mocking him; 〃yes; we'll mark yourskin for you; till it is black and blue。〃

〃Out of the town with him;〃 said they。 And Great Claus was obligedto run as fast as he could; he had never before been so thoroughlybeaten。

〃Ah;〃 said he; as he came to his house; 〃Little Claus shall pay mefor this; I will beat him to death。〃

Meanwhile the old grandmother of Little Claus died。 She had beencross; unkind; and really spiteful to him; but he was very sorry;and took the dead woman and laid her in his warm bed to see if hecould bring her to life again。 There he determined that she should liethe whole night; while he seated himself in a chair in a corner of theroom as he had often done before。 During the night; as he sat there;the door opened; and in came Great Claus with a hatchet。 He knewwell where Little Claus's bed stood; so he went right up to it; andstruck the old grandmother on the head。 thinking it must be LittleClaus。

〃There;〃 cried he; 〃now you cannot make a fool of me again;〃 andthen he went home。

〃That is a very wicked man;〃 thought Little Claus; 〃he meant tokill me。 It is a good thing for my old grandmother that she wasalready dead; or he would have taken her life。〃 Then he dressed hisold grandmother in her best clothes; borrowed a horse of his neighbor;and harnessed it to a cart。 Then he placed the old woman on the backseat; so that she might not fall out as he drove; and rode awaythrough the wood。 By sunrise they reached a large inn; where LittleClaus stopped and went to get something to eat。 The landlord was arich man; and a good man too; but as passionate as if he had been madeof pepper and snuff。

〃Good morning;〃 said he to Little Claus; 〃you are e betimesto…day。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Little Claus; 〃I am going to the town with my oldgrandmother; she is sitting at the back of the wagon; but I cannotbring her into the room。 Will you take her a glass of mead? but youmust speak very loud; for she cannot hear well。〃

〃Yes; certainly I will;〃 replied the landlord; and; pouring outa glass of mead; he carried it out to the dead grandmother; who satupright in the cart。 〃Here is a glass of mead from your grandson;〃said the landlord。 The dead woman did not answer a word; but sat quitestill。 〃Do you not hear?〃 cried the landlord as loud as he could;〃here is a glass of mead from your grandson。〃

Again and again he bawled it out; but as she did not stir heflew into a passion; and threw the glass of mead in her face; itstruck her on the nose; and she fell backwards out of the cart; forshe was only seated there; not tied in。

Hallo!〃 cried Little Claus; rushing out of the door; and seizinghold of the landlord by the throat; 〃you have killed my grandmother;see; here is a great hole in her forehead。〃

〃Oh; how unfortunate;〃 said the landlord; wringing his hands。〃This all es of my fiery temper。 Dear Little Claus; I will give youa bushel of money; I will bury your grandmother as if she were my own;only keep silent; or else they will cut off my head; and that would bedisagreeable。〃

So it happened that Little Claus received another bushel of money;and the landlord buried his old grandmother as if she had been hisown。 When Little Claus reached home again; he immediately sent a boyto Great Claus; requesting him to lend him a bushel measure。 〃How isthis?〃 thought Great Claus; 〃did I not kill him? I must go and see formyself。〃 So he went to Little Claus; and took the bushel measurewith him。 〃How did you get all this money?〃 asked Great Claus; staringwith wide open eyes at his neighbor's treasures。

〃You killed my grandmother instead of me;〃 said Little Claus;〃so I have sold her for a bushel of money。〃

〃That is a good price at all events;〃 said Great Claus。 So he wenthome; took a hatchet; and killed his old grandmother with one blow。Then he placed her on a cart; and drov

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