by Hans Christian Andersen
IN the garden all the apple…trees were in blossom。 They hadhastened to bring forth flowers before they got green leaves; and inthe yard all the ducklings walked up and down; and the cat too: itbasked in the sun and licked the sunshine from its own paws。 Andwhen one looked at the fields; how beautifully the corn stood andhow green it shone; without parison! and there was a twittering anda fluttering of all the little birds; as if the day were a greatfestival; and so it was; for it was Sunday。 All the bells wereringing; and all the people went to church; looking cheerful; anddressed in their best clothes。 There was a look of cheerfulness oneverything。 The day was so warm and beautiful that one might well havesaid: 〃God's kindness to us men is beyond all limits。〃 But insidethe church the pastor stood in the pulpit; and spoke very loudly andangrily。 He said that all men were wicked; and God would punish themfor their sins; and that the wicked; when they died; would be castinto hell; to burn for ever and ever。 He spoke very excitedly;saying that their evil propensities would not be destroyed; norwould the fire be extinguished; and they should never find rest。That was terrible to hear; and he said it in such a tone ofconviction; he described hell to them as a miserable hole where allthe refuse of the world gathers。 There was no air beside the hotburning sulphur flame; and there was no ground under their feet; they;the wicked ones; sank deeper and deeper; while eternal silencesurrounded them! It was dreadful to hear all that; for the preacherspoke from his heart; and all the people in the church were terrified。Meanwhile; the birds sang merrily outside; and the sun was shiningso beautifully warm; it seemed as though every little flower said:〃God; Thy kindness towards us all is without limits。〃 Indeed;outside it was not at all like the pastor's sermon。
The same evening; upon going to bed; the pastor noticed his wifesitting there quiet and pensive。
〃What is the matter with you?〃 he asked her。
〃Well; the matter with me is;〃 she said; 〃that I cannot collect mythoughts; and am unable to grasp the meaning of what you said to…dayin church… that there are so many wicked people; and that theyshould burn eternally。 Alas! eternally… how long! I am only a womanand a sinner before God; but I should not have the heart to let eventhe worst sinner burn for ever; and how could our Lord to do so; whois so infinitely good; and who knows how the wickedness es fromwithout and within? No; I am unable to imagine that; although yousay so。〃
It was autumn; the trees dropped their leaves; the earnest andsevere pastor sat at the bedside of a dying person。 A pious;faithful soul closed her eyes for ever; she was the pastor's wife。
。。。〃If any one shall find rest in the grave and mercy before ourLord you shall certainly do so;〃 said the pastor。 He folded herhands and read a psalm over the dead woman。
She was buried; two large tears rolled over the cheeks of theearnest man; and in the parsonage it was empty and still; for itssun had set for ever。 She had gone home。
It was night。 A cold wind swept over the pastor's head; heopened his eyes; and it seemed to him as if the moon was shininginto his room。 It was not so; however; there was a being standingbefore his bed; and looking like the ghost of his deceased wife。 Shefixed her eyes upon him with such a kind and sad expression; just asif she wished to say something to him。 The pastor raised himself inbed and stretched his arms towards her; saying; 〃Not even you can findeternal rest! You suffer; you best and most pious woman?〃
The dead woman nodded her head as if to say 〃Yes;〃 and put herhand on her breast。
〃And can I not obtain rest in the grave for you?〃
〃Yes;〃 was the answer。
〃And how?〃
〃Give me one hair… only one single hair… from the head of thesinner for whom the fire shall never be extinguished; of the sinnerwhom God will condemn to eternal punishment in hell。〃
〃Yes; one ought to be able to redeem you so easily; you pure;pious woman;〃 he said。
〃Follow me;〃 said the dead woman。 〃It is thus granted to us。 By myside you will be able to fly wherever your thoughts wish to go。Invisible to men; we shall perate into their most secretchambers; but with sure hand you must find out him who is destinedto eternal torture; and before the cock crows he must be found!〃 Asquickly as if carried by the winged thoughts they were in the greatcity; and from the walls the names of the deadly sins shone in flamingletters: pride; avarice; drunkenness; wantonness… in short; thewhole seven…coloured bow of sin。
〃Yes; therein; as I believed; as I knew it;〃 said the pastor; 〃areliving those who are abandoned to the eternal fire。〃 And they werestanding before the magnificently illuminated gate; the broad stepswere adorned with carpets and flowers; and dance music was soundingthrough the festive halls。 A footman dressed in silk and velvetstood with a large silver…mounted rod near the entrance。
〃Our ball can pare favourably with the king's;〃 he said; andturned with contempt towards the gazing crowd in the street。 What hethought was sufficiently expressed in his features and movements:〃Miserable beggars; who are looking in; you are nothing inparison to me。〃
〃Pride;〃 said the dead woman; 〃do you see him?〃
〃The footman?〃 asked the pastor。 〃He is but a poor fool; and notdoomed to be tortured eternally by fire!〃
〃Only a fool!〃 It sounded through the whole house of pride: theywere all fools there。
Then they flew within the four naked walls of the miser。 Lean as askeleton; trembling with cold; and hunger; the old man was clingingwith all his thoughts to his money。 They saw him jump up feverishlyfrom his miserable couch and take a loose stone out of the wall; therelay gold coins in an old stocking。 They saw him anxiously feeling overan old ragged coat in which pieces of gold were sewn; and his clammyfingers trembled。
〃He is ill! That is madness… a joyless madness… besieged by fearand dreadful dreams!〃
They quickly went away and came before the beds of thecriminals; these unfortunate people slept side by side; in longrows。 Like a ferocious animal; one of them rose out of his sleep anduttered a horrible cry; and gave his rade a violent dig in the ribswith his pointed elbow; and this one turned round in his sleep:
〃Be quiet; monster… sleep! This happens every night!〃
〃Every night!〃 repeated the other。 〃Yes; every night he esand tortures me! In my violence I have done this and that。 I wasborn with an evil mind; which has brought me hither for the secondtime; but if I have done wrong I suffer punishment for it。 Ohing; however; I have not yet confessed。 When I came out a littlewhile ago; and passed by the yard of my former master; evil thoughtsrose within me when I remembered this and that。 I struck a match alittle bit on the wall; probably it came a little too close to thethatched roof。 All burnt down… a great heat rose; such as sometimesoveres me。 I myself helped to rescue cattle and things; nothingalive burnt; except a flight of pigeons; which flew into the fire; andthe yard dog; o
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