〃It was the height of summer; which the mice told me was thereason that the forest smelt so strong; and that the herbs were sofragrant; and the lakes with the white swimming swans so dark; and yetso clear。 On the margin of the wood; near to three or four houses; apole; as large as the mainmast of a ship; had been erected; and fromthe summit hung wreaths of flowers and fluttering ribbons; it wasthe Maypole。 Lads and lasses danced round the pole; and tried to outdothe violins of the musicians with their singing。 They were as merry asever at sunset and in the moonlight; but I took no part in themerry…making。 What has a little mouse to do with a Maypole dance? Isat in the soft moss; and held my sausage skewer tight。 The moon threwits beams particularly on one spot where stood a tree covered withexceedingly fine moss。 I may almost venture to say that it was as fineand soft as the fur of the mouse…king; but it was green; which is acolor very agreeable to the eye。 All at once I saw the most charminglittle people marching towards me。 They did not reach higher than myknee; they looked like human beings; but were better proportioned; andthey called themselves elves。 Their clothes were very delicate andfine; for they were made of the leaves of flowers; trimmed with thewings of flies and gnats; which had not a bad effect。 By their manner;it appeared as if they were seeking for something。 I knew not what;till at last one of them espied me and came towards me; and theforemost pointed to my sausage skewer; and said; 'There; that isjust what we want; see; it is pointed at the top; is it notcapital?' and the longer he looked at my pilgrim's staff; the moredelighted he became。 'I will lend it to you;' said I; 'but not tokeep。'
〃'Oh no; we won't keep it!' they all cried; and then they seizedthe skewer; which I gave up to them; and danced with it to the spotwhere the delicate moss grew; and set it up in the middle of thegreen。 They wanted a maypole; and the one they now had seemed cutout on purpose for them。 Then they decorated it so beautifully that itwas quite dazzling to look at。 Little spiders spun golden threadsaround it; and then it was hung with fluttering veils and flags sodelicately white that they glittered like snow in the moonshine。 Afterthat they took colors from the butterfly's wing; and sprinkled themover the white drapery 〃which gleamed as if covered with flowers anddiamonds; so that I could not recognize my sausage skewer at all。 Sucha maypole had never been seen in all the world as this。 Then came agreat pany of real elves。 Nothing could be finer than theirclothes; and they invited me to be present at the feast; but I wasto keep at a certain distance; because I was too large for them。Then menced such music that it sounded like a thousand glass bells;and was so full and strong that I thought it must be the song of theswans。 I fancied also that I heard the voices of the cuckoo and theblack…bird; and it seemed at last as if the whole forest sent forthglorious melodies… the voices of children; the tinkling of bells;and the songs of the birds; and all this wonderful melody came fromthe elfin maypole。 My sausage peg was a plete peal of bells。 Icould scarcely believe that so much could have been produced fromit; till I remembered into what hands it had fallen。 I was so muchaffected that I wept tears such as a little mouse can weep; but theywere tears of joy。 The night was far too short for me; there are nolong nights there in summer; as we often have in this part of theworld。 When the morning dawned; and the gentle breeze rippled theglassy mirror of the forest lake; all the delicate veils and flagsfluttered away into thin air; the waving garlands of the spider's web;the hanging bridges and galleries; or whatever else they may becalled; vanished away as if they had never been。 Six elves broughtme back my sausage skewer; and at the same time asked me to make anyrequest; which they would grant if in their power; so I begged them;if they could; to tell me how to make soup from a sausage skewer。
〃'How do we make it?' said the chief of the elves with a smile。'Why you have just seen it; you scarcely knew your sausage skeweragain; I am sure。'
〃They think themselves very wise; thought I to myself。 Then I toldthem all about it; and why I had travelled so far; and also whatpromise had been made at home to the one who should discover themethod of preparing this soup。 'What use will it be;' I asked; 'to themouse…king or to our whole mighty kingdom that I have seen all thesebeautiful things? I cannot shake the sausage peg and say; Look; hereis the skewer; and now the soup will e。 That would only produce adish to be served when people were keeping a fast。'
〃Then the elf dipped his finger into the cup of a violet; and saidto me; 'Look here; I will anoint your pilgrim's staff; so that whenyou return to your own home and enter the king's castle; you have onlyto touch the king with your staff; and violets will spring forth andcover the whole of it; even in the coldest winter time; so I think Ihave given you really something to carry home; and a little morethan something。'〃
But before the little mouse explained what this something morewas; she stretched her staff out to the king; and as it touched himthe most beautiful bunch of violets sprang forth and filled theplace with perfume。 The smell was so powerful that the mouse…kingordered the mice who stood nearest the chimney to thrust their tailsinto the fire; that there might be a smell of burning; for the perfumeof the violets was overpowering; and not the sort of scent thatevery one liked。
〃But what was the something more of which you spoke just now?〃asked the mouse…king。
〃Why;〃 answered the little mouse; 〃I think it is what they call'effect;'〃 and thereupon she turned the staff round; and behold nota single flower was to be seen upon it! She now only held the nakedskewer; and lifted it up as a conductor lifts his baton at aconcert。 〃Violets; the elf told me;〃 continued the mouse; 〃are for thesight; the smell; and the touch; so we have only now to produce theeffect of hearing and tasting;〃 and then; as the little mouse beattime with her staff; there came sounds of music; not such music as washeard in the forest; at the elfin feast; but such as is often heard inthe kitchen… the sounds of boiling and roasting。 It came quitesuddenly; like wind rushing through the chimneys; and seemed as ifevery pot and kettle were boiling over。 The fire…shovel clattered downon the brass fender; and then; quite as suddenly; all was still;…nothing could be heard but the light; vapory song of the tea…kettle;which was quite wonderful to hear; for no one could rightlydistinguish whether the kettle was just beginning to boil or goingto stop。 And the little pot steamed; and the great pot simmered; butwithout any regard for each; indeed there seemed no sense in thepots at all。 And as the little mouse waved her baton still morewildly; the pots foamed and threw up bubbles; and boiled over; whileagain the wind roared and whistled through the chimney; and at lastthere was such a terrible hubbub; that the little mouse let herstick fall。
〃That is a strange sort of soup;〃 said the mouse…king; 〃shall wenot now hear abo
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