〃That is quite out in the great world; on the other side of theditch;〃 answered an earwig; 〃I hope none of my children will ever goso far; it would be the death of me。〃
〃But I shall try to get so far;〃 said the beetle; and he walkedoff without taking any formal leave; which is considered a politething to do。
When he arrived at the ditch; he met several friends; all thembeetles; 〃We live here;〃 they said; 〃and we are very fortable。May we ask you to step down into this rich mud; you must be fatiguedafter your journey。〃
〃Certainly;〃 said the beetle; 〃I shall be most happy; I havebeen exposed to the rain; and have had to lie upon linen; andcleanliness is a thing that greatly exhausts me; I have also painsin one of my wings from standing in the draught under a piece ofbroken crockery。 It is really quite refreshing to be with one's ownkindred again。〃
〃Perhaps you came from a dung…heap;〃 observed the oldest of them。
〃No; indeed; I came from a much grander place;〃 replied thebeetle; 〃I came from the emperor's stable; where I was born; withgolden shoes on my feet。 I am travelling on a secret embassy; butyou must not ask me any questions; for I cannot betray my secret。〃
Then the beetle stepped down into the rich mud; where sat threeyoung…lady beetles; who tittered; because they did not know what tosay。
〃None of them are engaged yet;〃 said their mother; and thebeetle maidens tittered again; this time quite in confusion。
〃I have never seen greater beauties; even in the royal stables;〃exclaimed the beetle; who was now resting himself。
〃Don't spoil my girls;〃 said the mother; 〃and don't talk tothem; pray; unless you have serious intentions。〃
But of course the beetle's intentions were serious; and after awhile our friend was engaged。 The mother gave them her blessing; andall the other beetles cried 〃hurrah。〃
Immediately after the betrothal came the marriage; for there wasno reason to delay。 The following day passed very pleasantly; andthe next was tolerably fortable; but on the third it becamenecessary for him to think of getting food for his wife; and; perhaps;for children。
〃I have allowed myself to be taken in;〃 said our beetle tohimself; 〃and now there's nothing to be done but to take them in; inreturn。〃
No sooner said than done。 Away he went; and stayed away all dayand all night; and his wife remained behind a forsaken widow。
〃Oh;〃 said the other beetles; 〃this fellow that we have receivedinto our family is nothing but a plete vagabond。 He has gone awayand left his wife a burden upon our hands。〃
〃Well; she can be unmarried again; and remain here with my otherdaughters;〃 said the mother。 〃Fie on the villain that forsook her!〃
In the mean time the beetle; who had sailed across the ditch ona cabbage leaf; had been journeying on the other side。 In themorning two persons came up to the ditch。 When they saw him theytook him up and turned him over and over; looking very learned all thetime; especially one; who was a boy。 〃Allah sees the black beetle inthe black stone; and the black rock。 Is not that written in theKoran?〃 he asked。
Then he translated the beetle's name into Latin; and said agreat deal upon the creature's nature and history。 The secondperson; who was older and a scholar; proposed to carry the beetlehome; as they wanted just such good specimens as this。 Our beetleconsidered this speech a great insult; so he flew suddenly out ofthe speaker's hand。 His wings were dry now; so they carried him to agreat distance; till at last he reached a hothouse; where a sash ofthe glass roof was partly open; so he quietly slipped in and buriedhimself in the warm earth。 〃It is very fortable here;〃 he said tohimself; and soon after fell asleep。 Then he dreamed that theemperor's horse was dying; and had left him his golden shoes; and alsopromised that he should have two more。 All this was very delightful;and when the beetle woke up he crept forth and looked around him。 Whata splendid place the hothouse was! At the back; large palm…treeswere growing; and the sunlight made the leaves… look quite glossy; andbeneath them what a profusion of luxuriant green; and of flowers redlike flame; yellow as amber; or white as new…fallen snow! 〃What awonderful quantity of plants;〃 cried the beetle; 〃how good they willtaste when they are decayed! This is a capital store…room。 Theremust certainly be some relations of mine living here; I will justsee if I can find any one with whom I can associate。 I'm proud;certainly; but I'm also proud of being so。 Then he prowled about inthe earth; and thought what a pleasant dream that was about thedying horse; and the golden shoes he had inherited。 Suddenly a handseized the beetle; and squeezed him; and turned him round and round。The gardener's little son and his playfellow had e into thehothouse; and; seeing the beetle; wanted to have some fun with him。First; he was wrapped; in a vine…leaf; and put into a warm trousers'pocket。 He twisted and turned about with all his might; but he got agood squeeze from the boy's hand; as a hint for him to keep quiet。Then the boy went quickly towards a lake that lay at the end of thegarden。 Here the beetle was put into an old broken wooden shoe; inwhich a little stick had been fastened upright for a mast; and to thismast the beetle was bound with a piece of worsted。 Now he was asailor; and had to sail away。 The lake was not very large; but tothe beetle it seemed an ocean; and he was so astonished at its sizethat he fell over on his back; and kicked out his legs。 Then thelittle ship sailed away; sometimes the current of the water seized it;but whenever it went too far from the shore one of the boys turnedup his trousers; and went in after it; and brought it back to land。But at last; just as it went merrily out again; the two boys werecalled; and so angrily; that they hastened to obey; and ran away asfast as they could from the pond; so that the little ship was leftto its fate。 It was carried away farther and farther from the shore;till it reached the open sea。 This was a terrible prospect for thebeetle; for he could not escape in consequence of being bound to themast。 Then a fly came and paid him a visit。 〃What beautifulweather;〃 said the fly; 〃I shall rest here and sun myself。 You musthave a pleasant time of it。〃
〃You speak without knowing the facts;〃 replied the beetle;〃don't you see that I am a prisoner?〃
〃Ah; but I'm not a prisoner;〃 remarked the fly; and away he flew。
〃Well; now I know the world;〃 said the beetle to himself; 〃it's anabominable world; I'm the only respectable person in it。 First; theyrefuse me my golden shoes; then I have to lie on damp linen; and tostand in a draught; and to crown all; they fasten a wife upon me。Then; when I have made a step forward in the world; and found out afortable position; just as I could wish it to be; one of thesehuman boys es and ties me up; and leaves me to the mercy of thewild waves; while the emperor's favorite horse goes prancing aboutproudly on his golden shoes。 This vexes me more than anything。 Butit is useless to look for sympathy in this world。 My career has beenvery interesting; but what's the use of that if nobody knowsanything about it? The world does not deserve to be made acquainte
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