walk on。
They came to a hut built of the bark of trees and branches; alarge crab…apple tree spread its branches over it; as if it intendedto pour all its fruit on the roof; upon which roses were blooming; thelong boughs covered the gable; where a little bell was hanging。 Wasthis the one they had heard? All agreed that it must be so; except onewho said that the bell was too small and too thin to be heard atsuch a distance; and that it had quite a different sound to that whichhad so touched men's hearts。
He who spoke was a king's son; and therefore the others saidthat such a one always wishes to be cleverer than other people。
Therefore they let him go alone; and as he walked on; the solitudeof the wood produced a feeling of reverence in his breast; but stillhe heard the little bell about which the others rejoiced; andsometimes; when the wind blew in that direction; he could hear thesounds from the confectioner's stall; where the others were singing attea。 But the deep sounds of the bell were much stronger; soon itseemed to him as if an organ played an acpaniment… the sound camefrom the left; from the side where the heart is。 Now something rustledamong the bushes; and a little boy stood before the king's son; inwooden shoes and such a short jacket that the sleeves did not reach tohis wrists。 They knew each other: the boy was the one who had not beenable to go with them because he had to take the coat and boots back tohis landlord's son。 That he had done; and had started again in hiswooden shoes and old clothes; for the sound of the bell was tooenticing… he felt he must go on。
〃We might go together;〃 said the king's son。 But the poor boy withthe wooden shoes was quite ashamed; he pulled at the short sleevesof his jacket; and said that he was afraid he could not walk sofast; besides; he was of opinion that the bell ought to be sought atthe right; for there was all that was grand and magnificent。
〃Then we shall not meet;〃 said the king's son; nodding to the poorboy; who went into the deepest part of the wood; where the thorns torehis shabby clothes and scratched his hands; face; and feet untilthey bled。 The king's son also received several good scratches; butthe sun was shining on his way; and it is he whom we will nowfollow; for he was a quick fellow。 〃I will and must find the bell;〃 hesaid; 〃if I have to go to the end of the world。〃
Ugly monkeys sat high in the branches and clenched their teeth。〃Shall we beat him?〃 they said。 〃Shall we thrash him? He is a king'sson!〃
But he walked on undaunted; deeper and deeper into the wood; wherethe most wonderful flowers were growing; there were standing whitestar lilies with blood…red stamens; sky…blue tulips shining when thewind moved them; apple…trees covered with apples like large glitteringsoap bubbles: only think how resplendent these trees were in thesunshine! All around were beautiful green meadows; where hart and hindplayed in the grass。 There grew magnificent oaks and beech…trees;and if the bark was split of any of them; long blades of grass grewout of the clefts; there were also large smooth lakes in the wood;on which the swans were swimming about and flapping their wings。 Theking's son often stood still and listened; sometimes he thought thatthe sound of the bell rose up to him out of one of these deep lakes;but soon he found that this was a mistake; and that the bell wasringing still farther in the wood。 Then the sun set; the clouds wereas red as fire; it became quiet in the wood; he sank down on hisknees; sang an evening hymn and said: 〃I shall never find what I amlooking for! Now the sun is setting; and the night; the dark night; isapproaching。 Yet I may perhaps see the round sun once more before hedisappears beneath the horizon。 I will climb up these rocks; theyare as high as the highest trees!〃 And then; taking hold of thecreepers and roots; he climbed up on the wet stones; wherewater…snakes were wriggling and the toads; as it were; barked athim: he reached the top before the sun; seen from such a height; hadquite set。 〃Oh; what a splendour!〃 The sea; the great majestic sea;which was rolling its long waves against the shore; stretched outbefore him; and the sun was standing like a large bright altar andthere where sea and heaven met… all melted together in the mostglowing colours; the wood was singing; and his heart too。 The whole ofnature was one large holy church; in which the trees and hoveringclouds formed the pillars; the flowers and grass the woven velvetcarpet; and heaven itself was the great cupola; up there the flamecolour vanished as soon as the sun disappeared; but millions ofstars were lighted; diamond lamps were shining; and the king's sonstretched his arms out towards heaven; towards the sea; and towardsthe wood。 Then suddenly the poor boy with the short…sleeved jacket andthe wooden shoes appeared; he had arrived just as quickly on theroad he had chosen。 And they ran towards each other and took oneanother's hand; in the great cathedral of nature and poesy; andabove them sounded the invisible holy bell; happy spirits surroundedthem; singing hallelujahs and rejoicing。
by Hans Christian Andersen
〃DING…DONG! ding…dong!〃 It sounds up from the 〃bell…deep〃 in theOdense…Au。 Every child in the old town of Odense; on the island ofFunen; knows the Au; which washes the gardens round about the town;and flows on under the wooden bridges from the dam to thewater…mill。 In the Au grow the yellow water…lilies and brownfeathery reeds; the dark velvety flag grows there; high and thick; oldand decayed willows; slanting and tottering; hang far out over thestream beside the monk's meadow and by the bleaching ground; butopposite there are gardens upon gardens; each different from the rest;some with pretty flowers and bowers like little dolls' pleasuregrounds; often displaying cabbage and other kitchen plants; and hereand there the gardens cannot be seen at all; for the great elder treesthat spread themselves out by the bank; and hang far out over thestreaming waters; which are deeper here and there than an oar canfathom。 Opposite the old nunnery is the deepest place; which is calledthe 〃bell…deep;〃 and there dwells the old water spirit; the 〃Au…mann。〃This spirit sleeps through the day while the sun shines down uponthe water; but in starry and moonlit nights he shows himself。 He isvery old。 Grandmother says that she has heard her own grandmother tellof him; he is said to lead a solitary life; and to have nobody withwhom he can converse save the great old church Bell。 Once the Bellhung in the church tower; but now there is no trace left of thetower or of the church; which was called St。 Alban's。
〃Ding…dong! ding…dong!〃 sounded the Bell; when the tower stillstood there; and one evening; while the sun was setting; and theBell was swinging away bravely; it broke loose and came flying downthrough the air; the brilliant metal shining in the ruddy beam。
〃Ding…dong! ding…dong! Now I'll retire to rest!〃 sang the Bell;and flew down into the Odense…Au; where it is deepest; and that is whythe place is called the 〃bell…deep。〃
But the Bell got neither rest nor sleep。 Down in the Au…ma