hythe place is called the 〃bell…deep。〃
But the Bell got neither rest nor sleep。 Down in the Au…mann'shaunt it sounds and rings; so that the tones sometimes pierce upwardthrough the waters; and many people maintain that its strains forebodethe death of some one; but that is not true; for the Bell is onlytalking with the Au…mann; who is now no longer alone。
And what is the Bell telling? It is old; very old; as we havealready observed; it was there long before grandmother's grandmotherwas born; and yet it is but a child in parison with the Au…mann;who is quite an old quiet personage; an oddity; with his hose ofeel…skin; and his scaly Jacket with the yellow lilies for buttons; anda wreath of reed in his hair and seaweed in his beard; but he looksvery pretty for all that。
What the Bell tells? To repeat it all would require years anddays; for year by year it is telling the old stories; sometimesshort ones; sometimes long ones; according to its whim; it tells ofold times; of the dark hard times; thus:
〃In the church of St。 Alban; the monk had mounted up into thetower。 He was young and handsome; but thoughtful exceedingly。 Helooked through the loophole out upon the Odense…Au; when the bed ofthe water was yet broad; and the monks' meadow was still a lake。 Helooked out over it; and over the rampart; and over the nuns' hillopposite; where the convent lay; and the light gleamed forth fromthe nun's cell。 He had known the nun right well; and he thought ofher; and his heart beat quicker as he thought。 Ding…dong! ding…dong!〃
Yes; this was the story the Bell told。
〃Into the tower came also the dapper man…servant of the bishop;and when I; the Bell; who am made of metal; rang hard and loud; andswung to and fro; I might have beaten out his brains。 He sat downclose under me; and played with two little sticks as if they hadbeen a stringed instrument; and he sang to it。 'Now I may sing itout aloud; though at other times I may not whisper it。 I may sing ofeverything that is kept concealed behind lock and bars。 Yonder it iscold and wet。 The rats are eating her up alive! Nobody knows of it!Nobody hears of it! Not even now; for the bell is ringing andsinging its loud Ding…dong; ding…dong!'
〃There was a King in those days。 They called him Canute。 Hebowed himself before bishop and monk; but when he offended the freepeasants with heavy taxes and hard words; they seized their weaponsand put him to flight like a wild beast。 He sought shelter in thechurch; and shut gate and door behind him。 The violent band surroundedthe church; I heard tell of it。 The crows; ravens and magpiesstarted up in terror at the yelling and shouting that soundedaround。 They flew into the tower and out again; they looked downupon the throng below; and they also looked into the windows of thechurch; and screamed out aloud what they saw there。 King Canuteknelt before the altar in prayer; his brothers Eric and Benedict stoodby him as a guard with drawn swords; but the King's servant; thetreacherous Blake; betrayed his master。 The throng in front of thechurch knew where they could hit the King; and one of them flung astone through a pane of glass; and the King lay there dead! Thecries and screams of the savage horde and of the birds sounded throughthe air; and I joined in it also; for I sang 'Ding…dong! ding…dong!'
〃The church bell hangs high; and looks far around; and sees thebirds around it; and understands their language。 The wind roars inupon it through windows and loopholes; and the wind knowseverything; for he gets it from the air; which encircles all things;and the church bell understands his tongue; and rings it out intothe world; 'Ding…dong! ding…dong!'
〃But it was too much for me to hear and to know; I was not ableany longer to ring it out。 I became so tired; so heavy; that thebeam broke; and I flew out into the gleaming Au; where the water isdeepest; and where the Au…mann lives; solitary and alone; and yearby year I tell him what I have heard and what I know。 Ding…dong!ding…dong〃
Thus it sounds plainingly out of the bell…deep in theOdense…Au。 That is what grandmother told us。
But the schoolmaster says that there was not any bell that rungdown there; for that it could not do so; and that no Au…mann dweltyonder; for there was no Au…mann at all! And when all the other churchbells are sounding sweetly; he says that it is not really the bellsthat are sounding; but that it is the air itself which sends forth thenotes; and grandmother said to us that the Bell itself said it was theair who told it to him; consequently they are agreed on that point;and this much is sure。
〃Be cautious; cautious; and take good heed to thyself;〃 theyboth say。
The air knows everything。 It is around us; it is in us; it talksof our thoughts and of our deeds; and it speaks longer of them thandoes the Bell down in the depths of the Odense…Au where the Au…manndwells。 It rings it out in the vault of heaven; far; far out;forever and ever; till the heaven bells sound 〃Ding…dong! ding…dong!〃
by Hans Christian Andersen
IT is winter…time。 The earth wears a snowy garment; and looks likemarble hewn out of the rock; the air is bright and clear; the windis sharp as a well…tempered sword; and the trees stand like branchesof white coral or blooming almond twigs; and here it is keen as on thelofty Alps。
The night is splendid in the gleam of the Northern Lights; andin the glitter of innumerable twinkling stars。
But we sit in the warm room; by the hot stove; and talk aboutthe old times。 And we listen to this story:
By the open sea was a giant's grave; and on the grave…mound sat atmidnight the spirit of the buried hero; who had been a king。 Thegolden circlet gleamed on his brow; his hair fluttered in the wind;and he was clad in steel and iron。 He bent his head mournfully; andsighed in deep sorrow; as an unquiet spirit might sigh。
And a ship came sailing by。 Presently the sailors lowered theanchor and landed。 Among them was a singer; and he approached theroyal spirit; and said;
〃Why mournest thou; and wherefore dost thou suffer thus?〃
And the dead man answered;
〃No one has sung the deeds of my life; they are dead andforgotten。 Song doth not carry them forth over the lands; nor into thehearts of men; therefore I have no rest and no peace。〃
And he spoke of his works; and of his warlike deeds; which hiscontemporaries had known; but which had not been sung; because therewas no singer among his panions。
Then the old bard struck the strings of his harp; and sang ofthe youthful courage of the hero; of the strength of the man; and ofthe greatness of his good deeds。 Then the face of the dead one gleamedlike the margin of the cloud in the moonlight。 Gladly and of goodcourage; the form arose in splendor and in majesty; and vanishedlike the glancing of the northern light。 Nought was to be seen but thegreen turfy mound; with the stones on which no Runic record has beengraven; but at the last sound of the harp there soared over thehill; as though he had fluttered from the harp; a little bird; acharming singing…bird; with ringing voice of the thrush; with themoving voice pathos of t