


安徒生童话- 第79部分

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〃You do not see very far; nor very clearly;〃 he said to theapple…branch。 〃Which is the despised plant you so specially pity?〃

〃The dandelion;〃 he replied。 〃No one ever places it in anosegay; it is often trodden under foot; there are so many of them;and when they run to seed; they have flowers like wool; which fly awayin little pieces over the roads; and cling to the dresses of thepeople。 They are only weeds; but of course there must be weeds。 O; Iam really very thankful that I was not made like one of theseflowers。〃

There came presently across the fields a whole group ofchildren; the youngest of whom was so small that it had to becarried by the others; and when he was seated on the grass; amongthe yellow flowers; he laughed aloud with joy; kicked out his littlelegs; rolled about; plucked the yellow flowers; and kissed them inchildlike innocence。 The elder children broke off the flowers withlong stems; bent the stalks one round the other; to form links; andmade first a chain for the neck; then one to go across theshoulders; and hang down to the waist; and at last a wreath to wearround the head; so that they looked quite splendid in their garlandsof green stems and golden flowers。 But the eldest among themgathered carefully the faded flowers; on the stem of which was groupedtogether the seed; in the form of a white feathery coronal。 Theseloose; airy wool…flowers are very beautiful; and look like finesnowy feathers or down。 The children held them to their mouths; andtried to blow away the whole coronal with one puff of the breath。 Theyhad been told by their grandmothers that who ever did so would be sureto have new clothes before the end of the year。 The despised flowerwas by this raised to the position of a prophet or foreteller ofevents。

〃Do you see;〃 said the sunbeam; 〃do you see the beauty of theseflowers? do you see their powers of giving pleasure?〃

〃Yes; to children;〃 said the apple…bough。

By…and…by an old woman came into the field; and; with a bluntknife without a handle; began to dig round the roots of some of thedandelion…plants; and pull them up。 With some of these she intended tomake tea for herself; but the rest she was going to sell to thechemist; and obtain some money。

〃But beauty is of higher value than all this;〃 said the apple…treebranch; 〃only the chosen ones can be admitted into the realms of thebeautiful。 There is a difference between plants; just as there is adifference between men。〃

Then the sunbeam spoke of the boundless love of God; as seen increation; and over all that lives; and of the equal distribution ofHis gifts; both in time and in eternity。

〃That is your opinion;〃 said the apple…bough。

Then some people came into the room; and; among them; the youngcountess;… the lady who had placed the apple…bough in thetransparent vase; so pleasantly beneath the rays of the sunlight。She carried in her hand something that seemed like a flower。 Theobject was hidden by two or three great leaves; which covered itlike a shield; so that no draught or gust of wind could injure it; andit was carried more carefully than the apple…branch had ever been。Very cautiously the large leaves were removed; and there appearedthe feathery seed…crown of the despised dandelion。 This was what thelady had so carefully plucked; and carried home so safely covered;so that not one of the delicate feathery arrows of which its mist…likeshape was so lightly formed; should flutter away。 She now drew itforth quite uninjured; and wondered at its beautiful form; and airylightness; and singular construction; so soon to be blown away bythe wind。

〃See;〃 she exclaimed; 〃how wonderfully God has made this littleflower。 I will paint it with the apple…branch together。 Every oneadmires the beauty of the apple…bough; but this humble flower has beenendowed by Heaven with another kind of loveliness; and although theydiffer in appearance; both are the children of the realms of beauty。〃

Then the sunbeam kissed the lowly flower; and he kissed theblooming apple…branch; upon whose leaves appeared a rosy blush。





   by Hans Christian Andersen

Now listen! In the country; close by the high road; stood afarmhouse; perhaps you have passed by and seen it yourself。 Therewas a little flower garden with painted wooden palings in front of it;close by was a ditch; on its fresh green bank grew a little daisy; thesun shone as warmly and brightly upon it as on the magnificentgarden flowers; and therefore it thrived well。 One morning it hadquite opened; and its little snow…white petals stood round theyellow centre; like the rays of the sun。 It did not mind that nobodysaw it in the grass; and that it was a poor despised flower; on thecontrary; it was quite happy; and turned towards the sun; lookingupward and listening to the song of the lark high up in the air。

The little daisy was as happy as if the day had been a greatholiday; but it was only Monday。 All the children were at school;and while they were sitting on the forms and learning their lessons;it sat on its thin green stalk and learnt from the sun and from itssurroundings how kind God is; and it rejoiced that the song of thelittle lark expressed so sweetly and distinctly its own feelings。 Witha sort of reverence the daisy looked up to the bird that could fly andsing; but it did not feel envious。 〃I can see and hear;〃 it thought;〃the sun shines upon me; and the forest kisses me。 How rich I am!〃

In the garden close by grew many large and magnificent flowers;and; strange to say; the less fragrance they had the haughtier andprouder they were。 The peonies puffed themselves up in order to belarger than the roses; but size is not everything! The tulips hadthe finest colours; and they knew it well; too; for they were standingbolt upright like candles; that one might see them the better。 Intheir pride they did not see the little daisy; which looked over tothem and thought; 〃How rich and beautiful they are! I am sure thepretty bird will fly down and call upon them。 Thank God; that Istand so near and can at least see all the splendour。〃 And while thedaisy was still thinking; the lark came flying down; crying 〃Tweet;〃but not to the peonies and tulips… no; into the grass to the poordaisy。 Its joy was so great that it did not know what to think。 Thelittle bird hopped round it and sang; 〃How beautifully soft thegrass is; and what a lovely little flower with its golden heart andsilver dress is growing here。〃 The yellow centre in the daisy didindeed look like gold; while the little petals shone as brightly assilver。

How happy the daisy was! No one has the least idea。 The birdkissed it with its beak; sang to it; and then rose again up to theblue sky。 It was certainly more than a quarter of an hour before thedaisy recovered its senses。 Half ashamed; yet glad at heart; it lookedover to the other flowers in the garden; surely they had witnessed itspleasure and the honour that had been done to it; they understoodits joy。 But the tulips stood more stiffly than ever; their faces werepointed and red; because they were vexed。 The peonies were sulky; itwas well that they could not speak; otherwise they would have giventhe daisy 

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