e they would have giventhe daisy a good lecture。 The little flower could very well see thatthey were ill at ease; and pitied them sincerely。
Shortly after this a girl came into the garden; with a large sharpknife。 She went to the tulips and began cutting them off; one afteranother。 〃Ugh!〃 sighed the daisy; 〃that is terrible; now they are donefor。〃
The girl carried the tulips away。 The daisy was glad that it wasoutside; and only a small flower… it felt very grateful。 At sunsetit folded its petals; and fell asleep; and dreamt all night of the sunand the little bird。
On the following morning; when the flower once more stretchedforth its tender petals; like little arms; towards the air andlight; the daisy recognised the bird's voice; but what it sang soundedso sad。 Indeed the poor bird had good reason to be sad; for it hadbeen caught and put into a cage close by the open window。 It sang ofthe happy days when it could merrily fly about; of fresh green corn inthe fields; and of the time when it could soar almost up to theclouds。 The poor lark was most unhappy as a prisoner in a cage。 Thelittle daisy would have liked so much to help it; but what could bedone? Indeed; that was very difficult for such a small flower tofind out。 It entirely forgot how beautiful everything around it was;how warmly the sun was shining; and how splendidly white its ownpetals were。 It could only think of the poor captive bird; for whichit could do nothing。 Then two little boys came out of the garden;one of them had a large sharp knife; like that with which the girl hadcut the tulips。 They came straight towards the little daisy; whichcould not understand what they wanted。
〃Here is a fine piece of turf for the lark;〃 said one of the boys;and began to cut out a square round the daisy; so that it remainedin the centre of the grass。
〃Pluck the flower off〃 said the other boy; and the daisytrembled for fear; for to be pulled off meant death to it; and itwished so much to live; as it was to go with the square of turf intothe poor captive lark's cage。
〃No let it stay;〃 said the other boy; 〃it looks so pretty〃。
And so it stayed; and was brought into the lark's cage。 The poorbird was lamenting its lost liberty; and beating its wings against thewires; and the little daisy could not speak or utter a consoling word;much as it would have liked to do so。 So the forenoon passed。
〃I have no water;〃 said the captive lark; 〃they have all gone out;and forgotten to give me anything to drink。 My throat is dry andburning。 I feel as if I had fire and ice within me; and the air isso oppressive。 Alas! I must die; and part with the warm sunshine;the fresh green meadows; and all the beauty that God has created。〃 Andit thrust its beak into the piece of grass; to refresh itself alittle。 Then it noticed the little daisy; and nodded to it; and kissedit with its beak and said: 〃You must also fade in here; poor littleflower。 You and the piece of grass are all they have given me inexchange for the whole world; which I enjoyed outside。 Each littleblade of grass shall be a green tree for me; each of your white petalsa fragrant flower。 Alas! you only remind me of what I have lost。〃
〃I wish I could console the poor lark;〃 thought the daisy。 Itcould not move one of its leaves; but the fragrance of its delicatepetals streamed forth; and was much stronger than such flowers usuallyhave: the bird noticed it; although it was dying with thirst; and inits pain tore up the green blades of grass; but did not touch theflower。
The evening came; and nobody appeared to bring the poor bird adrop of water; it opened its beautiful wings; and fluttered about inits anguish; a faint and mournful 〃Tweet; tweet;〃 was all it couldutter; then it bent its little head towards the flower; and itsheart broke for want and longing。 The flower could not; as on theprevious evening; fold up its petals and sleep; it droppedsorrowfully。 The boys only came the next morning; when they saw thedead bird; they began to cry bitterly; dug a nice grave for it; andadorned it with flowers。 The bird's body was placed in a pretty redbox; they wished to bury it with royal honours。 While it was alive andsang they forgot it; and let it suffer want in the cage; now; theycried over it and covered it with flowers。 The piece of turf; with thelittle daisy in it; was thrown out on the dusty highway。 Nobodythought of the flower which had felt so much for the bird and had sogreatly desired to fort it。
by Hans Christian Andersen
THERE was once a darning…needle who thought herself so fine thatshe fancied she must be fit for embroidery。 〃Hold me tight;〃 she wouldsay to the fingers; when they took her up; 〃don't let me fall; ifyou do I shall never be found again; I am so very fine。〃
〃That is your opinion; is it?〃 said the fingers; as they seizedher round the body。
〃See; I am ing with a train;〃 said the darning…needle;drawing a long thread after her; but there was no knot in the thread。
The fingers then placed the point of the needle against the cook'sslipper。 There was a crack in the upper leather; which had to besewn together。
〃What coarse work!〃 said the darning…needle; 〃I shall never getthrough。 I shall break!… I am breaking!〃 and sure enough she broke。〃Did I not say so?〃 said the darning…needle; 〃I know I am too fine forsuch work as that。〃
〃This needle is quite useless for sewing now;〃 said the fingers;but they still held it fast; and the cook dropped some sealing…waxon the needle; and fastened her handkerchief with it in front。
〃So now I am a breast…pin;〃 said the darning…needle; 〃I knewvery well I should e to honor some day: merit is sure to rise;〃 andshe laughed; quietly to herself; for of course no one ever saw adarning…needle laugh。 And there she sat as proudly as if she were in astate coach; and looked all around her。 〃May I be allowed to ask ifyou are made of gold?〃 she inquired of her neighbor; a pin; 〃youhave a very pretty appearance; and a curious head; although you arerather small。 You must take pains to grow; for it is not every one whohas sealing…wax dropped upon him;〃 and as she spoke; thedarning…needle drew herself up so proudly that she fell out of thehandkerchief right into the sink; which the cook was cleaning。 〃NowI am going on a journey;〃 said the needle; as she floated away withthe dirty water; 〃I do hope I shall not be lost。〃 But she really waslost in a gutter。 〃I am too fine for this world;〃 said thedarning…needle; as she lay in the gutter; 〃but I know who I am; andthat is always some fort。〃 So the darning…needle kept up herproud behavior; and did not lose her good humor。 Then there floatedover her all sorts of things;… chips and straws; and pieces of oldnewspaper。 〃See how they sail;〃 said the darning…needle; 〃they donot know what is under them。 I am here; and here I shall stick。 See;there goes a chip; thinking of nothing in the world but himself…only a chip。 There's a straw going by now; how he turns and twistsabout! Don't be thinking too much of yourself; or you may chance torun against a stone。 There swims a piece of newspaper; what is writtenupon it has been forgotten long ago; and yet