Thus sighed the Dryad; and she prayed:
〃Take from me the years that were destined for me; and give me buthalf of the life of the ephemeral fly! Deliver me from my prison! Giveme human life; human happiness; only a short span; only the one night;if it cannot be otherwise; and then punish me for my wish to live;my longing for life! Strike me out of thy list。 Let my shell; thefresh young tree; wither; or be hewn down; and burnt to ashes; andscattered to all the winds!〃
A rustling went through the leaves of the tree; there was atrembling in each of the leaves; it seemed as if fire streamed throughit。 A gust of wind shook its green crown; and from the midst of thatcrown a female figure came forth。 In the same moment she was sittingbeneath the brightly…illuminated leafy branches; young and beautifulto behold; like poor Mary; to whom the clergyman had said; 〃Thegreat city will be thy destruction。〃
The Dryad sat at the foot of the tree… at her house door; whichshe had locked; and whose key had thrown away。 So young! so fair!The stars saw her; and blinked at her。 The gas…lamps saw her; andgleamed and beckoned to her。 How delicate she was; and yet howblooming!… a child; and yet a grown maiden! Her dress was fine assilk; green as the freshly…opened leaves on the crown of the tree;in her nut…brown hair clung a half…opened chestnut blossom。 She lookedlike the Goddess of Spring。
For one short minute she sat motionless; then she sprang up;and; light as a gazelle; she hurried away。 She ran and sprang like thereflection from the mirror that; carried by the sunshine; is cast; nowhere; now there。 Could any one have followed her with his eyes; hewould have seen how marvellously her dress and her form changed;according to the nature of the house or the place whose light happenedto shine upon her。
She reached the Boulevards。 Here a sea of light streamed forthfrom the gas…flames of the lamps; the shops and the cafes。 Herestood in a row young and slender trees; each of which concealed itsDryad; and gave shade from the artificial sunlight。 The whole vastpavement was one great festive hall; where covered tables stoodladen with refreshments of all kinds; from champagne and Chartreusedown to coffee and beer。 Here was an exhibition of flowers; statues;books; and colored stuffs。
From the crowd close by the lofty houses she looked forth over theterrific stream beyond the rows of trees。 Yonder heaved a stream ofrolling carriages; cabriolets; coaches; omnibuses; cabs; and amongthem riding gentlemen and marching troops。 To cross to the oppositeshore was an undertaking fraught with danger to life and limb。 Nowlanterns shed their radiance abroad; now the gas had the upper hand;suddenly a rocket rises! Whence? Whither?
Here are sounds of soft Italian melodies; yonder; Spanish songsare sung; acpanied by the rattle of the castas; but strongest ofall; and predominating over the rest; the street…organ tunes of themoment; the exciting 〃Can…Can〃 music; which Orpheus never knew; andwhich was never heard by the 〃Belle Helene。〃 Even the barrow wastempted to hop upon one of its wheels。
The Dryad danced; floated; flew; changing her color everymoment; like a humming…bird in the sunshine; each house; with theworld belonging to it; gave her its own reflections。
As the glowing lotus…flower; torn from its stem; is carried awayby the stream; so the Dryad drifted along。 Whenever she paused; shewas another being; so that none was able to follow her; to recognizeher; or to look more closely at her。
Like cloud…pictures; all things flew by her。 She looked into athousand faces; but not one was familiar to her; she saw not asingle form from home。 Two bright eyes had remained in her memory。 Shethought of Mary; poor Mary; the ragged merry child; who wore the redflowers in her black hair。 Mary was now here; in the world…city;rich and magnificent as in that day when she drove past the house ofthe old clergyman; and past the tree of the Dryad; the old oak。
Here she was certainly living; in the deafening tumult。 Perhapsshe had just stepped out of one of the gorgeous carriages inwaiting。 Handsome equipages; with coachmen in gold braid and footmenin silken hose; drove up。 The people who alighted from them were allrichly…dressed ladies。 They went through the opened gate; and ascendedthe broad staircase that led to a building resting on marblepillars。 Was this building; perhaps; the wonder of the world? ThereMary would certainly be found。
〃Sancta Maria!〃 resounded from the interior。 Incense floatedthrough the lofty painted and gilded aisles; where a solemn twilightreigned。
It was the Church of the Madeleine。
Clad in black garments of the most costly stuffs; fashionedaccording to the latest mode; the rich feminine world of Parisglided across the shining pavement。 The crests of the proprietors wereengraved on silver shields on the velvet…bound prayer…books; andembroidered in the corners of perfumed handkerchiefs bordered withBrussels lace。 A few of the ladies were kneeling in silent prayerbefore the altars; others resorted to the confessionals。
Anxiety and fear took possession of the Dryad; she felt as ifshe had entered a place where she had no right to be。 Here was theabode of silence; the hall of secrets。 Everything was said inwhispers; every word was a mystery。
The Dryad saw herself enveloped in lace and silk; like the womenof wealth and of high birth around her。 Had; perhaps; every one ofthem a longing in her breast; like the Dryad?
A deep; painful sigh was heard。 Did it escape from someconfessional in a distant corner; or from the bosom of the Dryad?She drew the veil closer around her; she breathed incense; and not thefresh air。 Here was not the abiding…place of her longing。
Away! away… a hastening without rest。 The ephemeral fly knowsnot repose; for her existence is flight。
She was out again among the gas candelabra; by a magnificentfountain。
〃All its streaming waters are not able to wash out the innocentblood that was spilt here。〃
Such were the words spoken。 Strangers stood around; carrying ona lively conversation; such as no one would have dared to carry onin the gorgeous hall of secrets whence the Dryad came。
A heavy stone slab was turned and then lifted。 She did notunderstand why。 She saw an opening that led into the depths below。 Thestrangers stepped down; leaving the starlit air and the cheerfullife of the upper world behind them。
〃I am afraid;〃 said one of the women who stood around; to herhusband; 〃I cannot venture to go down; nor do I care for the wondersdown yonder。 You had better stay here with me。〃
〃Indeed; and travel home;〃 said the man; 〃and quit Paris withouthaving seen the most wonderful thing of all… the real wonder of thepresent period; created by the power and resolution of one man!〃
〃I will not go down for all that;〃 was the reply。
〃The wonder of the present time;〃 it had been called。 The Dryadhad heard and had understood it。 The goal of her ardent longing hadthus been reached; and here was the entrance to it。 Down into thedepths below Paris? She had not thought of such a thing; but now sheheard it said; and saw the strangers descending; and went after them。
The staircase was of cast iron; spira
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