


安徒生童话- 第89部分

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 the linden…tree。

〃Now he is gone; and will soon be forgotten;〃 thought the wickedbrother; 〃he will never e back again。 He was going on a longjourney over mountains and seas; it is easy for a man to lose his lifein such a journey。 My sister will suppose he is dead; for he cannote back; and she will not dare to question me about him。〃

Then he scattered the dry leaves over the light earth with hisfoot; and went home through the darkness; but he went not alone; as hethought;… the little elf acpanied him。 He sat in a dry rolled…uplinden…leaf; which had fallen from the tree on to the wicked man'shead; as he was digging the grave。 The hat was on the head now;which made it very dark; and the little elf shuddered with frightand indignation at the wicked deed。

It was the dawn of morning before the wicked man reached home;he took off his hat; and went into his sister's room。 There lay thebeautiful; blooming girl; dreaming of him whom she loved so; and whowas now; she supposed; travelling far away over mountain and sea。Her wicked brother stopped over her; and laughed hideously; asfiends only can laugh。 The dry leaf fell out of his hair upon thecounterpane; but he did not notice it; and went to get a littlesleep during the early morning hours。 But the elf slipped out of thewithered leaf; placed himself by the ear of the sleeping girl; andtold her; as in a dream; of the horrid murder; described the placewhere her brother had slain her lover; and buried his body; and toldher of the linden…tree; in full blossom; that stood close by。

〃That you may not think this is only a dream that I have toldyou;〃 he said; 〃you will find on your bed a withered leaf。〃

Then she awoke; and found it there。 Oh; what bitter tears sheshed! and she could not open her heart to any one for relief。

The window stood open the whole day; and the little elf couldeasily have reached the roses; or any of the flowers; but he could notfind it in his heart to leave one so afflicted。 In the window stooda bush bearing monthly roses。 He seated himself in one of the flowers;and gazed on the poor girl。 Her brother often came into the room;and would be quite cheerful; in spite of his base conduct; so she darenot say a word to him of her heart's grief。

As soon as night came on; she slipped out of the house; and wentinto the wood; to the spot where the linden…tree stood; and afterremoving the leaves from the earth; she turned it up; and therefound him who had been murdered。 Oh; how she wept and prayed thatshe also might die! Gladly would she have taken the body home withher; but that was impossible; so she took up the poor head with theclosed eyes; kissed the cold lips; and shook the mould out of thebeautiful hair。

〃I will keep this;〃 said she; and as soon as she had covered thebody again with the earth and leaves; she took the head and a littlesprig of jasmine that bloomed in the wood; near the spot where hewas buried; and carried them home with her。 As soon as she was inher room; she took the largest flower…pot she could find; and inthis she placed the head of the dead man; covered it up with earth;and planted the twig of jasmine in it。

〃Farewell; farewell;〃 whispered the little elf。 He could not anylonger endure to witness all this agony of grief; he therefore flewaway to his own rose in the garden。 But the rose was faded; only a fewdry leaves still clung to the green hedge behind it。

〃Alas! how soon all that is good and beautiful passes away;〃sighed the elf。

After a while he found another rose; which became his home; foramong its delicate fragrant leaves he could dwell in safety。 Everymorning he flew to the window of the poor girl; and always found herweeping by the flower pot。 The bitter tears fell upon the jasmiwig; and each day; as she became paler and paler; the sprigappeared to grow greener and fresher。 One shoot after another sproutedforth; and little white buds blossomed; which the poor girl fondlykissed。 But her wicked brother scolded her; and asked her if she wasgoing mad。 He could not imagine why she was weeping over thatflower…pot; and it annoyed him。 He did not know whose closed eyes werethere; nor what red lips were fading beneath the earth。 And one dayshe sat and leaned her head against the flower…pot; and the little elfof the rose found her asleep。 Then he seated himself by her ear;talked to her of that evening in the arbor; of the sweet perfume ofthe rose; and the loves of the elves。 Sweetly she dreamed; and whileshe dreamt; her life passed away calmly and gently; and her spirit waswith him whom she loved; in heaven。 And the jasmine opened its largewhite bells; and spread forth its sweet fragrance; it had no other wayof showing its grief for the dead。 But the wicked brother consideredthe beautiful blooming plant as his own property; left to him by hissister; and he placed it in his sleeping room; close by his bed; forit was very lovely in appearance; and the fragrance sweet anddelightful。 The little elf of the rose followed it; and flew fromflower to flower; telling each little spirit that dwelt in them thestory of the murdered young man; whose head now formed part of theearth beneath them; and of the wicked brother and the poor sister。 〃Weknow it;〃 said each little spirit in the flowers; 〃we know it; forhave we not sprung from the eyes and lips of the murdered one。 We knowit; we know it;〃 and the flowers nodded with their heads in a peculiarmanner。 The elf of the rose could not understand how they could restso quietly in the matter; so he flew to the bees; who were gatheringhoney; and told them of the wicked brother。 And the bees told it totheir queen; who manded that the next morning they should go andkill the murderer。 But during the night; the first after thesister's death; while the brother was sleeping in his bed; close towhere he had placed the fragrant jasmine; every flower cup opened; andinvisibly the little spirits stole out; armed with poisonous spears。They placed themselves by the ear of the sleeper; told him dreadfuldreams and then flew across his lips; and pricked his tongue withtheir poisoned spears。 〃Now have we revenged the dead;〃 said they; andflew back into the white bells of the jasmine flowers。 When themorning came; and as soon as the window was opened; the rose elf; withthe queen bee; and the whole swarm of bees; rushed in to kill him。 Buthe was already dead。 People were standing round the bed; and sayingthat the scent of the jasmine had killed him。 Then the elf of the roseunderstood the revenge of the flowers; and explained it to the queenbee; and she; with the whole swarm; buzzed about the flower…pot。 Thebees could not be driven away。 Then a man took it up to remove it; andone of the bees stung him in the hand; so that he let the flower…potfall; and it was broken to pieces。 Then every one saw the whitenedskull; and they knew the dead man in the bed was a murderer。 And thequeen bee hummed in the air; and sang of the revenge of the flowers;and of the elf of the rose and said that behind the smallest leafdwells One; who can discover evil deeds; and punish them also。





   by Hans Christian Andersen

A FEW large lizards were running

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