


安徒生童话- 第93部分

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ed: 〃Indeed; the emperor's new suit is inparable! What along train he has! How well it fits him!〃 Nobody wished to letothers know he saw nothing; for then he would have been unfit forhis office or too stupid。 Never emperor's clothes were more admired。

〃But he has nothing on at all;〃 said a little child at last。 〃Goodheavens! listen to the voice of an innocent child;〃 said the father;and one whispered to the other what the child had said。 〃But he hasnothing on at all;〃 cried at last the whole people。 That made a deepimpression upon the emperor; for it seemed to him that they wereright; but he thought to himself; 〃Now I must bear up to the end。〃 Andthe chamberlains walked with still greater dignity; as if they carriedthe train which did not exist。





   by Hans Christian Andersen

THERE were two cocks… one on the dung…hill; the other on the roof。They were both arrogant; but which of the two rendered most service?Tell us your opinion… we'll keep to ours just the same though。

The poultry yard was divided by some planks from another yard inwhich there was a dung…hill; and on the dung…hill lay and grew a largecucumber which was conscious of being a hot…bed plant。

〃One is born to that;〃 said the cucumber to itself。 〃Not all canbe born cucumbers; there must be other things; too。 The hens; theducks; and all the animals in the next yard are creatures too。 Now Ihave a great opinion of the yard cock on the plank; he is certainly ofmuch more importance than the weather…cock who is placed so high andcan't even creak; much less crow。 The latter has neither hens norchicks; and only thinks of himself and perspires verdigris。 No; theyard cock is really a cock! His step is a dance! His crowing is music;and wherever he goes one knows what a trumpeter is like! If he wouldonly e in here! Even if he ate me up stump; stalk; and all; and Ihad to dissolve in his body; it would be a happy death;〃 said thecucumber。

In the night there was a terrible storm。 The hens; chicks; andeven the cock sought shelter; the wind tore down the planks betweenthe two yards with a crash; the tiles came tumbling down; but theweather…cock sat firm。 He did not even turn round; for he could not;and yet he was young and freshly cast; but prudent and sedate。 Hehad been born old; and did not at all resemble the birds flying in theair… the sparrows; and the swallows; no; he despised them; thesemean little piping birds; these mon whistlers。 He admitted that thepigeons; large and white and shining like mother…o'…pearl; looked likea kind of weather…cock; but they were fat and stupid; and all theirthoughts and endeavours were directed to filling themselves with food;and besides; they were tiresome things to converse with。 The birdsof passage had also paid the weather…cock a visit and told him offoreign countries; of airy caravans and robber stories that made one'shair stand on end。 All this was new and interesting; that is; forthe first time; but afterwards; as the weather…cock found out; theyrepeated themselves and always told the same stories; and that'svery tedious; and there was no one with whom one could associate;for one and all were stale and small…minded。

〃The world is no good!〃 he said。 〃Everything in it is so stupid。〃

The weather…cock was puffed up; and that quality would have madehim interesting in the eyes of the cucumber if it had known it; but ithad eyes only for the yard cock; who was now in the yard with it。

The wind had blown the planks; but the storm was over。

〃What do you think of that crowing?〃 said the yard cock to thehens and chickens。 〃It was a little rough… it wanted elegance。〃

And the hens and chickens came up on the dung…hill; and the cockstrutted about like a lord。

〃Garden plant!〃 he said to the cucumber; and in that one wordhis deep learning showed itself; and it forgot that he was peckingat her and eating it up。 〃A happy death!〃

The hens and the chickens came; for where one runs the othersrun too; they clucked; and chirped; and looked at the cock; and wereproud that he was of their kind。

〃Cock…a…doodle…doo!〃 he crowed; 〃the chickens will grow up intogreat hens at once; if I cry it out in the poultry…yard of the world!〃

And hens and chicks clucked and chirped; and the cock announceda great piece of news。

〃A cock can lay an egg! And do you know what's in that egg? Abasilisk。 No one can stand the sight of such a thing; people knowthat; and now you know it too… you know what is in me; and what achampion of all cocks I am!〃

With that the yard cock flapped his wings; made his b swell up;and crowed again; and they all shuddered; the hens and the littlechicks… but they were very proud that one of their number was such achampion of all cocks。 They clucked and chirped till theweather…cock heard; he heard it; but he did not stir。

〃Everything is very stupid;〃 the weather…cock said to himself。〃The yard cock lays no eggs; and I am too lazy to do so; if I liked; Icould lay a wind…egg。 But the world is not worth even a wind…egg。Everything is so stupid! I don't want to sit here any longer。〃

With that the weather…cock broke off; but he did not kill the yardcock; although the hens said that had been his intention。 And whatis the moral? 〃Better to crow than to be puffed up and break off!





   by Hans Christian Andersen

FAR down in the forest; where the warm sun and the fresh airmade a sweet resting…place; grew a pretty little fir…tree; and yetit was not happy; it wished so much to be tall like its panions…the pines and firs which grew around it。 The sun shone; and the softair fluttered its leaves; and the little peasant children passed by;prattling merrily; but the fir…tree heeded them not。 Sometimes thechildren would bring a large basket of raspberries or strawberries;wreathed on a straw; and seat themselves near the fir…tree; and say;〃Is it not a pretty little tree?〃 which made it feel more unhappy thanbefore。 And yet all this while the tree grew a notch or joint tallerevery year; for by the number of joints in the stem of a fir…tree wecan discover its age。 Still; as it grew; it plained; 〃Oh! how Iwish I were as tall as the other trees; then I would spread out mybranches on every side; and my top would over…look the wide world。 Ishould have the birds building their nests on my boughs; and whenthe wind blew; I should bow with stately dignity like my tallpanions。〃 The tree was so discontented; that it took no pleasure inthe warm sunshine; the birds; or the rosy clouds that floated overit morning and evening。 Sometimes; in winter; when the snow laywhite and glittering on the ground; a hare would e springing along;and jump right over the little tree; and then how mortified it wouldfeel! Two winters passed; and when the third arrived; the tree hadgrown so tall that the hare was obliged to run round it。 Yet itremained unsatisfied; and would exclaim; 〃Oh; if I could but keep ongrowing tall and old! There is nothing else worth caring for in theworld!〃 In the autumn; as usual; the wood…cutters came and cut downseveral of the tallest trees; and

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