〃Will you tell us a story?〃 said the queen;… 〃one that isinstructive and full of deep learning。〃
〃Yes; but with something in it to laugh at;〃 said the king。
〃Certainly;〃 he replied; and menced at once; asking them tolisten attentively。 〃There was once a bundle of matches that wereexceedingly proud of their high descent。 Their genealogical tree; thatis; a large pine…tree from which they had been cut; was at one timea large; old tree in the wood。 The matches now lay between atinder…box and an old iron saucepan; and were talking about theiryouthful days。 'Ah! then we grew on the green boughs; and were asgreen as they; every morning and evening we were fed with diamonddrops of dew。 Whenever the sun shone; we felt his warm rays; and thelittle birds would relate stories to us as they sung。 We knew thatwe were rich; for the other trees only wore their green dress insummer; but our family were able to array themselves in green;summer and winter。 But the wood…cutter came; like a greatrevolution; and our family fell under the axe。 The head of the houseobtained a situation as mainmast in a very fine ship; and can sailround the world when he will。 The other branches of the family weretaken to different places; and our office now is to kindle a light formon people。 This is how such high…born people as we came to be in akitchen。'
〃'Mine has been a very different fate;' said the iron pot; whichstood by the matches; 'from my first entrance into the world I havebeen used to cooking and scouring。 I am the first in this house;when anything solid or useful is required。 My only pleasure is to bemade clean and shining after dinner; and to sit in my place and have alittle sensible conversation with my neighbors。 All of us; exceptingthe water…bucket; which is sometimes taken into the courtyard; livehere together within these four walls。 We get our news from themarket…basket; but he sometimes tells us very unpleasant thingsabout the people and the government。 Yes; and one day an old pot wasso alarmed; that he fell down and was broken to pieces。 He was aliberal; I can tell you。'
〃'You are talking too much;' said the tinder…box; and the steelstruck against the flint till some sparks flew out; crying; 'We want amerry evening; don't we?'
〃'Yes; of course;' said the matches; 'let us talk about thosewho are the highest born。'
〃'No; I don't like to be always talking of what we are;'remarked the saucepan; 'let us think of some other amusement; I willbegin。 We will tell something that has happened to ourselves; thatwill be very easy; and interesting as well。 On the Baltic Sea; nearthe Danish shore'… 〃'What a pretty mencement!' said the plates; 'we shall alllike that story; I am sure。'
〃'Yes; well in my youth; I lived in a quiet family; where thefurniture was polished; the floors scoured; and clean curtains putup every fortnight;'
〃'What an interesting way you have of relating a story;' saidthe carpet…broom; 'it is easy to perceive that you have been a greatdeal in women's society; there is something so pure runs throughwhat you say。'
〃'That is quite true;' said the water…bucket; and he made a springwith joy; and splashed some water on the floor。
〃Then the saucepan went on with his story; and the end was as goodas the beginning。
〃The plates rattled with pleasure; and the carpet…broom broughtsome green parsley out of the dust…hole and crowned the saucepan;for he knew it would vex the others; and he thought; 'If I crown himto…day he will crown me to…morrow。'
〃'Now; let us have a dance;' said the fire…tongs; and then howthey danced and stuck up one leg in the air。 The chair…cushion inthe corner burst with laughter when she saw it。
〃'Shall I be crowned now?' asked the fire…tongs; so the broomfound another wreath for the tongs。
〃'They were only mon people after all;' thought the matches。The tea…urn was now asked to sing; but she said she had a cold; andcould not sing without boiling heat。 They all thought this wasaffectation; and because she did not wish to sing excepting in theparlor; when on the table with the grand people。
〃In the window sat an old quill…pen; with which the maid generallywrote。 There was nothing remarkable about the pen; excepting that ithad been dipped too deeply in the ink; but it was proud of that。
〃'If the tea…urn won't sing;' said the pen; 'she can leave italone; there is a nightingale in a cage who can sing; she has not beentaught much; certainly; but we need not say anything this eveningabout that。'
〃'I think it highly improper;' said the tea…kettle; who waskitchen singer; and half…brother to the tea…urn; 'that a richforeign bird should be listened to here。 Is it patriotic? Let themarket…basket decide what is right。'
〃'I certainly am vexed;' said the basket; 'inwardly vexed; morethan any one can imagine。 Are we spending the evening properly?Would it not be more sensible to put the house in order? If eachwere in his own place I would lead a game; this would be quite anotherthing。'
〃'Let us act a play;' said they all。 At the same moment the dooropened; and the maid came in。 Then not one stirred; they allremained quite still; yet; at the same time; there was not a singlepot amongst them who had not a high opinion of himself; and of what hecould do if he chose。
〃'Yes; if we had chosen;' they each thought; 'we might havespent a very pleasant evening。'
〃The maid took the matches and lighted them; dear me; how theysputtered and blazed up!
〃'Now then;' they thought; 'every one will see that we are thefirst。 How we shine; what a light we give!' Even while they spoketheir light went out。
〃What a capital story;〃 said the queen; 〃I feel as if I werereally in the kitchen; and could see the matches; yes; you shall marryour daughter。〃
〃Certainly;〃 said the king; 〃thou shalt have our daughter。〃 Theking said thou to him because he was going to be one of the family。The wedding…day was fixed; and; on the evening before; the wholecity was illuminated。 Cakes and sweetmeats were thrown among thepeople。 The street boys stood on tiptoe and shouted 〃hurrah;〃 andwhistled between their fingers; altogether it was a very splendidaffair。
〃I will give them another treat;〃 said the merchant's son。 So hewent and bought rockets and crackers; and all sorts of fire…works thatcould be thought of; packed them in his trunk; and flew up with itinto the air。 What a whizzing and popping they made as they wentoff! The Turks; when they saw such a sight in the air; jumped sohigh that their slippers flew about their ears。 It was easy to believeafter this that the princess was really going to marry a Turkishangel。
As soon as the merchant's son had e down in his flying trunk tothe wood after the fireworks; he thought; 〃I will go back into thetown now; and hear what they think of the entertainment。〃 It wasvery natural that he should wish to know。 And what strange thingspeople did say; to be sure! every one whom he questioned had adifferent tale to tell; though they all thought it very beautiful。
〃'I saw the Turkish angel myself;〃 said one; 〃he had eyes likeglittering stars; and a head like foaming water。〃
〃He flew in a mantle of fire;〃 cried another; 〃and lovely littlecherubs peeped out from the folds。〃
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