卡通画的事业现在可以算很光明灿烂了。画片除了配音之外,又加上绚烂的色彩。米老鼠的画像成为圣诞时商店里最好的点缀,有许多观众上电影院去专为看米老鼠。可是,让我们试问大多数的观众们,卡通画在他们心目中究竟占着一个什么地位?听听他们的回答吧! 卡通是电影院中在映完新闻片之后,放映正片之前,占去~段时间的娱乐,特为孩子们准备的。它负着取悦孩子们的使命,所以它必须要滑稽突梯,想入非非,我们不要它长,因为画出来的人物多看了要头晕。我们很赞成狄斯耐先生把许多名闻世界的古老的童话搬上银幕,因为孩子比较喜欢看活动的映画,不爱看书本中的呆板的插画。那些好莱坞的卡通画家竭力想迎合观众的心理,提高他们的作品号召力,于是他们排了队出发去搜寻有趣的童话,神话,滑稽的传说,如《玻璃鞋》、《小红风帽》之类,都是最可珍贵的材料。不过,近来这材料渐感缺乏,卡通画家们正感到无路可走的彷徨的苦闷。我们可以看见,在最近上映的几张卡通中,制作者们不得不藉助美妙的音乐的伴奏来强调画面的动作,补救画面的空虚,结果轻重倒置。图画倒成了附庸在音乐之下的次要品了。即使古老的仙人故事的题材不缺乏,即使观众对于陈旧的米老鼠不感到厌倦,难道我们把这惊人的二十世纪美术新发明卡通画用来代替儿童故事的插画,就以为满足了吗?
In odina empeaue。When he lown enes he pla and she begins o imiae hisalk,he ie eam mels ino a hea laugh,oined b he hadl onoed gigglings
He whole lass。No mae whehe i ains o snows ouside,hee is alwassunligh and heeul spii in he lassoomhough Missis no above he aveage heigh o weigh,anone who sandsbeoe he wi eel himsel shinking ino a lile dwa。I is beause she has deepwisdom and boundless expeiene ha anno be measued shown in he eaues。Shehas a saigh Geek nose,poweul hin lis,and keen,dak ees ha seem o weighevehing and eveone swil and auael in he is glane。He ae as a wh01elooks like he anien saue o he goddess Ahena,whih,hough aved wih had
Lile lines b age and weahe,seems o be iumined b he glow o ineigeneMabe hee ae ih senimens in he,bu she neve shows an o hem。I is he ooleasonha she epesens。I S。Mas an be ompaed wih he i o Ahens。she is Ahena,goddess o wisdom,who guides i hough aaks。obsales。anddisess。
Missis a and agile。She has hesnu hai,a long gave nose。and a pai omelanhol pale blue ees whih oen bea a look o so ompassion when she
paienl lisens o a suden bluing ou he eiaion in boken senenes。He handsae espeia noieable o hei delia and expessiveness。When she ies oexplain somehin9,he loa and l in he ai like a pai o whie buelies。Indeedhe ae he songes helpmaes in aing along ineesing disussions,o inbingingou he impoan poinas she as i。She possesses one o he ae qualiies whiheven daughes o aisoas o oda lak,a lassial gae。Eve swing o he bod。
小姐。 小姐。 小姐和 小姐。然后再读完试卷第二栏紧跟着的一段描写文字,把所有的空格都填上:
M G ea Expeaions
ime is like a shap kniewhen i is misused,i an ave had lines onbeauiul aes,and wea ou blooming ouh monh b monh,ea b ea,bu,weused,i an mold a piee o simple sone ino a magniien saue。S。Mas,in spie0 is long hiso o i eas。is si a simple piee o whie sone biel aved。As
I mahes on,i ma be maed b dus,won ou b weahe,o boken inosepaae agmens;and i ma be aeu,solwl aved b he knie,inh b inhino a wondeul saue whih wi be plaed among he gloious woks o Mihelangelohis knie is held no onl b he pinipal,he eahes,and he sudens oomoow;bu a o ou shoolmaes have he powe o onoing iI I have a hane o live o be a snow haied old lad,I sha,in m peaeul
deams beside he ieside,seek o he old pahs leading hough he geen plum eeswhih
I have been amilia wih in m eal das。O ouse,a ha ime,he ouhulplum ees mus also have gown ino hei pleasan old age,sehing hei poweulams o shade he ossing pahs。he weahe won old be owe,sanding in hegolden sunligh,
ha give ou ha slow,solemn blooming ha is SO amilia o meas,as he gils,sho and a,pale and os,plump and slim,a blooming wihhe eshness o ouh,sha pou ino he huh like a seam。hee he wi kneeland pa,whispeing o hei spiiual Lod abou he lile hings in hei lives:hei
gies,hei eas,hei quaels,hei love,and hei gea ambiions。he sha askHim o help hem in eahing hei uue goals。o be a wie,a musiian,aeduaionalis。o and ideal wie。And I an hea he old huh owe,inging wihhe ehoes o hei paes,whispe in eun,es,S。Mas Ha ma no have helages domioies and he beslooking shool gadens among a he shools inhina。bu she eainl possesses he ines and he mos had woking gils,whosha gloi he wih hei biian uues!:
Whal I eel when I hea hese wods depends upon whehe I have done anhingo no in he eas in beween。I I have ailed in plaing m pa on his sage,I shaeel ashamed and egeul ha I