


简爱(英文版)- 第112部分

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ion of his parish。
No weather seemed to hinder him in these pastoral excursions: rain or fair; he would; when his hours of morning study were over; take his hat; and; followed by his father’s old pointer; Carlo; go out on his mission of love or duty—I scarcely know in which light he regarded it。 Sometimes; when the day was very unfavourable; his sisters would expostulate。 He would then say; with a peculiar smile; more solemn than cheerful—
“And if I let a gust of wind or a sprinkling of rain turn me aside from these easy tasks; what preparation would such sloth be for the future I propose to myself?”
Diana and Mary’s general answer to this question was a sigh; and some minutes of apparently mournful meditation。
But besides his frequent absences; there was another barrier to friendship with him: he seemed of a reserved; an abstracted; and even of a brooding nature。 Zealous in his ministerial labours; blameless in his life and habits; he yet did not appear to enjoy that mental serenity; that inward content; which should bet he reward of every sincere Christian and practical philanthropist。 Often; of an evening; when he sat at the window; his desk and papers before him; he would cease reading or writing; rest his chin on his hand; and deliver himself up to I know not what course of thought; but that it was perturbed and exciting might be seen in the frequent flash and changeful dilation of his eye。
I think; moreover; that Nature was not to him that treasury of delight it was to his sisters。 He expressed once; and but once in my hearing; a strong sense of the rugged charm of the hills; and an inborn affection for the dark roof and hoary walls he called his home; but there was more of gloom than pleasure in the tone and words in which the sentiment was manifested; and never did he seem to roam the moors for the sake of their soothing silence—never seek out or dwell upon the thousand peaceful delights they could yield。
Inmunicative as he was; some time elapsed before I had an opportunity of gauging his mind。 I first got an idea of its calibre when I heard him preach in his own church at Morton。 I wish I could describe that sermon: but it is past my power。 I cannot even render faithfully the effect it produced on me。
It began calm—and indeed; as far as delivery and pitch of voice went; it was calm to the end: an earnestly felt; yet strictly restrained zeal breathed soon in the distinct accents; and prompted the nervous language。 This grew to force—pressed; condensed; controlled。 The heart was thrilled; the mind astonished; by the power of the preacher: neither were softened。 Throughout there was a strange bitterness; an absence of consolatory gentleness; stern allusions to Calvinistic doctrines—election; predestination; reprobation—were frequent; and each reference to these points sounded like a sentence pronounced for doom。 When he had done; instead of feeling better; calmer; more enlightened by his discourse; I experienced an inexpressible sadness; for it seemed to me—I know not whether equally so to others—that the eloquence to which I had been listening had sprung from a depth where lay turbid dregs of disappointment—where moved troubling impulses of insatiate yearnings and disquieting aspirations。 I was sure St。 John Rivers— pure…lived; conscientious; zealous as he was—had not yet found that peace of God which passeth all understanding: he had no more found it; I thought; than had I with my concealed and racking regrets for my broken idol and lost elysium—regrets to which I have latterly avoided referring; but which possessed me and tyrannised over me ruthlessly。
Meantime a month was gone。 Diana and Mary were soon to leave Moor House; and return to the far different life and scene which awaited them; as governesses in a large; fashionable; south…of…England city; where each held a situation in families by whose wealthy and haughty members they were regarded only as humble dependants; and who neither knew nor sought out their innate excellences; and appreciated only their acquired acplishments as they appreciated the skill of their cook or the taste of their waiting…woman。 Mr。 St。 John had said nothing to me yet about the employment he had promised to obtain for me; yet it became urgent that I should have a vocation of some kind。 One morning; being left alone with him a few minutes in the parlour; I ventured to approach the window…recess— which his table; chair; and desk consecrated as a kind of study—and I was going to speak; though not very well knowing in what words to frame my inquiry—for it is at all times difficult to break the ice of reserve glassing over such natures as his—when he saved me the trouble by being the first to mence a dialogue。
Looking up as I dree?” he said。
“Yes; I wish to know whether you have heard of any service I can offer myself to undertake?”
“I found or devised something for you three weeks ago; but as you seemed both useful and happy here—as my sisters had evidently bee attached to you; and your society gave them unusual pleasure—I deemed it inexpedient to break in on your mutual fort till their approaching departure from Marsh End should render yours necessary。”
“And they will go in three days now?” I said。
“Yes; and when they go; I shall return to the parsonage at Morton: Hannah will acpany me; and this old house will be shut up。”
I waited a few moments; expecting he would go on with the subject first broached: but he seemed to have entered another train of reflection: his look denoted abstraction from me and my business。 I was obliged to recall him to a theme which was of necessity one of close and anxious interest to me。
“What is the employment you had in view; Mr。 Rivers? I hope this delay will not have increased the difficulty of securing it。”
“Oh; no; since it is in employment which depends only on me to give; and you to accept。”
He again paused: there seemed a reluctance to continue。 I grew impatient: a restless movement or two; and an eager and exacting glance fastened on his face; conveyed the feeling to him as effectually as words could have done; and with less trouble。
“You need be in no hurry to hear;” he said: “let me frankly tell you; I have nothing eligible or profitable to suggest。 Before I explain; recall; if you please; my notice; clearly given; that if I helped you; it must be as the blind man would help the lame。 I am poor; for I find that; when I have paid my father’s debts; all the patrimony remaining to me will be this crumbling grange; the row of scathed firs behind; and the patch of moorish soil; with the yew… trees and holly…bushes in front。 I am obscure: Rivers is an old name; but of the three sole descendants of the race; two earn the dependant’s crust among strangers; and the third considers himself an alien from his native country—not only for life; but in death。 Yes; and deems; and is bound to deem; himself honoured by the lot; and aspires but after the day when the cross of separation from fleshly ties shall be laid on his shoulders; and when the Head of that church…militant of whose humblest members he is one; shall give the word; ‘Rise; follow Me!’”
St。 John said these words as he pronounced his sermons; w

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