for centuries by hundreds of master miniaturists; as a figure with his index
finger inserted into the circle of his mouth; but made the whole painting
embody surprise。 This; I acplished by inviting the Sovereign to rise to His
I was intrigued and bothered by how he scrutinized my possessions and
illustrating tools; nay my whole life; looking for a clue; and then; I began to see
my own house through his eyes。
You know those palace; hamam and castle pictures that were made in Tabriz
and Shiraz for a time; so that the picture might replicate the piercing gaze of
Exalted Allah; who sees and understands all; the miniaturist would depict the
palace in cross…section as though having cut it in half with a huge; magical
straight razor; and he’d paint all the interior details—which could otherwise
never be seen from outside—down to the pots and pans; drinking glasses; wall
ornamentation; curtains; caged parrots; the most private corners; and the
pillows on which reclined a lovely maiden such as had never seen the light of
day。 Like a curious awestruck reader; Black was examining my paints; my
papers; my books; my lovely assistant; the pages of a Book of Costumes and the
collage album that I’d made for a Frankish traveler; scenes of fucking and other
indecent pages I’d secretly dashed off for a pasha; my inkpots of variously
colored glass; bronze and ceramic; my ivory penknives; my gold…stemmed
brushes; and yes; the glances of my handsome apprentice。
“Unlike the old masters; I’ve seen a lot of battle; a lot;” I said to fill the
silence with my presence。 “War machines; cannonballs; armies; corpses; it was
I who embellished the ceilings of the tents of Our Sultan and our generals。
After a military campaign; upon returning to Istanbul; it was I who recorded
in pictures the scenes of battle that everyone would otherwise have forgotten;
corpses sliced in two; the clash of opposing armies; the soldiers of the
miserable infidels quaking before our cannon; the troops defending the
crenellated towers of besieged castles; rebels being decapitated and the fury of
horses attacking at full gallop。 I mit everything I behold to memory: a new
coffee grinder; a style of window grating that I’ve never seen before; a cannon;
the trigger of a new style of Frankish rifle; who wore what color robe during a
feast; who ate what; who placed his hand where and how…”
“What are the morals of the three stories you’ve told?” asked Black in a
manner that summed everything up and ever so slightly called me to account。
“Alif;” I said。 “The first story with the minaret demonstrates that no matter
how talented a miniaturist might be; it is time that makes a picture ”perfect。“
”Ba;“ the second story with the harem and the library; reveals that the only
way to escape time is through skill and illustrating。 As for the third story; you
proceed to tell me; then。”
“Djim!” said Black confidently; “the third story about the one…hundred…
and…nieen…year…old miniaturist unites ”Alif‘ and “Ba’ to reveal how time
ends for the one who forsakes the perfect life and perfect illuminating; leaving
nothing but death。 Indeed; this is what it demonstrates。”
After the midday prayers; I was ever so swiftly yet pleasurably drawing the
darling faces of boys when I heard a knock at the door。 My hand jerked in
surprise。 I put down my brush。 I carefully placed the work…board that was on
my knees off to the side。 Rushing like the wind; I said a prayer before opening
the door。 I won’t withhold anything from you; because you; who can hear me
from within this book; are much nearer to Allah than we in this filthy and
miserable world of ours。 Akbar Khan; the Emperor of Hindustan and the
world’s richest shah; is preparing what will one day bee a legendary book。
To plete his project; he sent word to the four corners of Islamdom inviting
the world’s greatest artists to join him。 The men he’d sent to Istanbul visited
me yesterday; inviting me to Hindustan。 This time; I opened the door to find;
in their place; my childhood acquaintance Black; about whom I’d forgotten
entirely。 Back then he wasn’t able to keep our pany; he was jealous of us。
He said he’d e to converse; to pay a friendly visit; to have a look at my
illustrations。 I weled him so he might see it all。 I learned he’d just today
visited Head Illuminator Master Osman and kissed his hand。 The great master;
he explained; had given him wise words to ponder: “A painter’s quality
bees evident in his discussions of blindness and memory;” he’d said。 So let
it be evident:
Blindness and Memory
Before the art of illumination there was blackness and afterward there will also
be blackness。 Through our colors; paints; art and love; we remember that Allah
had manded us to “See”! To know is to remember that you’ve seen。 To see
is to know without remembering。 Thus; painting is remembering the
blackness。 The great masters; who shared a love of painting and perceived that
color and sight arose from darkness; longed to return to Allah’s blackness by
means of color。 Artists without memory neither remember Allah nor his
blackness。 All great masters; in their work; seek that profound void within
color and outside time。 Let me explain to you what it means to remember this
darkness; which was revealed in Herat by the great masters of old。
Three Stories on Blindness and Memory
In Lami’i Chelebi’s Turkish translation of the Persian poet Jami’s Gifts of
Intimacy; which addresses the stories of the saints; it is written that in the
bookmaker’s workshop of Jihan Shah; the ruler of the Blacksheep nation; the
renowned master Sheikh Ali Tabrizi had illustrated a magnificent version of
Hüsrev and Shirin。 According to what I’ve heard; in this legendary manuscript;
which took eleven years to plete; the master of master miniaturists;
Sheikh Ali; displayed such talent and skill and painted such wonderful pictures
that only the greatest of the old masters; Bihzad; could have matched him。
Even before the illuminated manuscript was half finished; Jihan Shah knew
that he would soon possess a spectacular book without equal in all the world。
He thus lived in fear and jealousy of young Tall Hasan; the ruler of the
Whitesheep nation; and declared him his archenemy。 Moreover; Jihan Shah
quickly sensed that though his prestige would grow immensely after the book
was pleted; an even better version of the manuscript could be made for
Tall Hasan。 Being one of those truly jealous men who poisoned his own
contentment with the thought “What if others e to know such bl