unfortable; let alone painful; as it would have been to a human。 It was just annoying。 I was sure I
could break his hold; but I didn't fight it。
〃Yes;〃 I agreed。 〃And?〃
Edward frowned at me for a second more; and then his expression loosened。 He laughed once。 〃And
nothing at all; it seems。 The overreaction is mine this time。 Jazz; let her go。〃
The binding hands disappeared。 I reached out for Renesmee as soon as I was free。 Edward handed her
to me without hesitation。
〃I can't understand;〃 Jasper said。 〃I can't bear this。〃
I watched in surprise as Jasper strode out the back door。 Leah moved to give him a wide margin of
space as he paced to the river and then launched himself over it in one bound。
Renesmee touched my neck; repeating the scene of departure right back; like an instant replay。 I could
feel the question in her thought; an echo of mine。
I was already over the shock of her odd little gift。 It seemed an entirely natural part of her; almost to be
expected。 Maybe now that I was part of the supernatural myself; I would never be a skeptic again。
But what was wrong with Jasper?
〃He'll be back;〃 Edward said; whether to me or Renesmee; I wasn't sure。 〃He just needs a moment
alone to readjust his perspective on life。〃 There was a grin threatening at the corners of his mouth。
Another human memory—Edward telling me that Jasper would feel better about himself if I 〃had a hard
time adjusting〃 to being a vampire。 This was in the context of a discussion about how many people I
would kill my first newborn year。
〃Is he mad at me?〃 I asked quietly。
Edward's eyes widened。 〃No。 Why would he be?〃
〃What's the matter with him; then?〃
〃He's upset with himself; not you; Bella。 He's worrying about。。。 selffulfilling prophecy; I suppose you
could say。〃
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〃How so?〃 Carlisle asked before I could。
〃He's wondering if the newborn madness is really as difficult as we've always thought; or if; with the right
focus and attitude; anyone could do as well as Bella。 Even now—perhaps he only has such difficulty
because he believes it's natural and unavoidable。 Maybe if he expected more of himself; he would rise to
those expectations。 You're making him question a lot of deeprooted assumptions; Bella。〃
〃But that's unfair;〃 Carlisle said。 〃Everyone is different; everyone has their own challenges。 Perhaps what
Bella is doing goes beyond the natural。 Maybe this is her gift; so to speak。〃
I froze with surprise。 Renesmee felt the change; and touched me。 She remembered the last second of
time and wondered why。
〃That's an interesting theory; and quite plausible;〃 Edward said。
For a tiny space; I was disappointed。 What? No magic visions; no formidable offensive abilities like; oh;
shooting lightning bolts from my eyes or something? Nothing helpful or cool at all?
And then I realized what that might mean; if my 〃superpower〃 was no more than exceptional selfcontrol。
For one thing; at least I had a gift。 It could have been nothing。
But; much more than that; if Edward was right; then I could skip right over the part I'd feared the very
What if I didn't have to be a newborn? Not in the crazed killingmachine sense; anyway。 What if I could
fit right in with the Cullens from my first day? What if we didn't have to hide out somewhere remote for a
year while I 〃grew up〃? What if; like Carlisle; I never killed a single person? What if I could be a good
vampire right away?
I could see Charlie。
I sighed as soon as reality filtered through hope。 I couldn't see Charlie right away。 The eyes; the voice;
the perfected face。 What could I possibly say to him; how could I even begin? I was furtively glad that I
had some excuses for putting things off for a while; as much as I wanted to find some way to keep
Charlie in my life; I was terrified of that first meeting。 Seeing his eyes pop as he took in my new face; my
new skin。 Knowing that he was frightened。 Wondering what dark explanation would form in his head。
I was chicken enough to wait for a year while my eyes cooled。 And here I'd thought I would be so
fearless when I was indestructible。
〃Have you ever seen an equivalent to selfcontrol as a talent?〃 Edward asked Carlisle。 〃Do you really
think that's a gift; or just a product of all her preparation?〃
Carlisle shrugged; 'it's slightly similar to what Siobhan has always been able to do; though she wouldn't
call it a
〃Siobhan; your friend in that Irish coven?〃 Rosalie asked。 1 wasn't aware that she did anything special。 I
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it was Maggie who was talented in that bunch。〃
〃Yes; Siobhan thinks the same。 But she has this way of deciding her goals and then almost。。。 willing
them into reality。 She considers it good planning; but I've always wondered if it was something more。
When she included Maggie; for instance。 Liam was very territorial; but Siobhan wanted it to work out;
and so it did。〃
Edward; Carlisle; and Rosalie settled into chairs as they continued with the discussion。 Jacob sat next to
Seth protectively; looking bored。 From the way his eyelids drooped; I was sure he'd be unconscious
I listened; but my attention was divided。 Renesmee was still telling me about her day。 I held her by the
window wall; my arms rocking her automatically as we stared into each other's eyes。
I realized that the others had no reason for sitting down。 I was perfectly fortable standing。 It was just
as restful as stretching out on a bed would be。 I knew I would be able to stand like this for a week
without moving and I would feel just as relaxed at the end of the seven days as I did at the beginning。
They must sit out of habit。 Humans would notice someone standing for hours without ever shifting her
weight to a different foot。 Even now; I saw Rosalie brush her fingers against her hair and Carlisle cross
his legs。 Little motions to keep from being too still; too much a vampire。 I would have to pay attention to
what they did and start practicing。
I rolled my weight back to my left leg。 It felt kind of silly。
Maybe they were just trying to give me a little alone time with my baby—as alone as was safe。
Renesmee told me about every minute happening of the day; and I got the feeling from the tenor of her
little stories that she wanted me to know her every bit as much I wanted the same thing。 It worried her
that I had missed things—like the sparrows that had hopped closer and closer when Jacob had held her;
both of them very still beside one of the big hemlocks; the birds wouldn't e close to Rosalie。 Or the
outrageously icky white stuff—baby formula—that Carlisle had put in her cup; it smelled like sour dirt。
Or the song Edward had crooned to her that was so perfect Renesmee played it for me twice; I was
surprised that I was in the background of that memory; perfectly motionless but looking fairly battered
still。 I shuddered; remembering that time from my