《6 the short second life of bree tanner布里·坦纳第二次短暂生命》



6 the short second life of bree tanner布里·坦纳第二次短暂生命- 第8部分

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; anyway。”  Diego still with a sort of disgusted look on his face; as if 
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magic were really such a reach when you’re a vampire rolled to his knees and started clawing into the limestone above his head。 Tiny stone shards filled his hair; but he ignored them。  “What are you doing?”  “Experimenting。”  He dug with both hands until he could stand upright; and then kept going。  “Diego; you get to the surface; you explode。 Stop it。”  “I’m not trying toah; here we go。”  There was a loud crack; and then another crack; but no light。 He ducked back down to where I could see his face; with a piece of tree root in his hand; white; dead; and dry under the clumps of dirt。 The edge where he’d broken it was a sharp; uneven point。 He tossed it to me。  “Stake me。”  I tossed it back。 “Whatever。”  “Seriously。 You know it can’t hurt me。” He lobbed the wood to me; instead of catching it; I batted it back。  He snagged it out of the air and groaned。 “You are so… superstitious!”  “I am a vampire。 If that doesn’t prove that superstitious people are right; I don’t know what does。”  “Fine; I’ll do it。”  He held the branch away from himself dramatically; arm extended; like it was a sword and he was about to impale himself。  “C’mon;” I said uneasily。 “This is silly。”  “That’s my point。 Here goes nothing。” 
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 He crushed the wood into his chest; right where his heart used to beat; with enough force to punch through a granite slab。 I was totally frozen with panic until he laughed。  “You should see your face; Bree。”  He sifted the splinters of broken wood through his fingers; the shattered root fell to the floor in mangled pieces。 Diego brushed at his shirt; though it was too trashed from all the swimming and digging for the attempt to do any good。 We’d both have to steal more clothes the next time we got a chance。  “Maybe it’s different when a human does it。”  “Because you felt so magical when you were human?”  “I don’t know; Diego;” I said; exasperated。 “I didn’t make up all those stories。”  He nodded; suddenly more serious。 “What if the stories are exactly that? Made up。”  I sighed。 “What difference does it make?”  “Not sure。 But if we’re going to be smart about why we’re herewhy Riley brought us to her; why she’s making more of usthen we have to understand as much as we possibly can。” He frowned; every trace of laughter totally gone from his face now。  I just stared back at him。 I didn’t have any answers。  His face softened just a little。 “This helps a lot; you know。 Talking about it。 Helps me focus。”  “Me; too;” I said。 “I don’t know why I never thought about any of this before。 It seems so obvious。 But working on it together… I don’t know。 I can stay on track better。”  “Exactly。” Diego smiled at me。 “I’m really glad you came out 
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tonight。”  “Don’t get all gooey on me now。”  “What? You don’t want to be”  he widened his eyes and his voice went up an octave “BFFs?” He laughed at the goofy expression。  I rolled my eyes; not totally sure if he was making fun of the expression or of me。  “C’mon; Bree。 Be my bestest bud forever。 Please?” Still teasing; but his wide smile was natural and… hopeful。 He held out his hand。  This time I went for a real high five; not realizing until he caught my hand and held it that he’d intended anything else。  It was shockingly weird to touch another person after a whole lifebecause the last three months were my whole lifeof avoiding any kind of contact。 Like touching a sparking downed power line; only to find out that it felt nice。  The smile on my face felt a little lopsided。 “Count me in。”  “Excellent。 Our own private club。”  “Very exclusive;” I agreed。  He still had my hand。 Not shaking it; but not exactly holding it; either。 “We need a secret handshake。”  “You can be in charge of that one。”  “So the supersecret best friends club is called to order; all present; secret handshake to be devised at a later date;” he said。 “First order of business: Riley。 Clueless? Misinformed? Or lying?”  His eyes were on mine as he spoke; wide and sincere。 There was no change as he said Riley’s name。 In that instant; I 
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was sure there was nothing to the stories about Diego and Riley。 Diego had just been around more than the others; nothing more。 I could trust him。  “Add this to the list;” I said。 “Agenda。 As in; what is his?”  “Bull’seye。 That’s exactly what we’ve got to find out。 But first; another experiment。”  “That word makes me nervous。”  “Trust is an essential part of the whole secret club gig。”  He stood up into the extra ceiling space he’d just carved out and started digging again。 In a second; his feet were dangling while he held himself up with one hand and excavated with the other。  “You better be digging for garlic;” I warned him; and backed up toward the tunnel that led to the sea。  “The stories aren’t real; Bree;” he called to me。 He pulled himself higher into the hole he was making; and the dirt continued to rain down。 He was going to fill in his hideyhole at this rate。 Or flood it with light; which would make it even more useless。  I slid most of the way into the escape channel; just my fingertips and eyes above the edge。 The water only came up to my hips。 It would take me just the smallest fraction of a second to disappear into the darkness below。 I could spend a day not breathing。  I’d never been a fan of fire。 This might have been because of some buried childhood memory; or maybe it was more recent。 Being a vampire was enough fire to last me。  Diego had to be close to the surface。 Once again; I 
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struggled with the idea of losing my new and only friend。  “Please stop; Diego;” I whispered; knowing he would probably laugh; knowing he wouldn’t listen。  “Trust; Bree。”  I waited; unmoving。  “Almost…;” he muttered。 “Okay。”  I tensed for the light; or the spark; or the explosion; but Diego dropped back down while it was still dark。 In his hand he had a longer root; a thick snaky thing that was almost as tall as me。 He gave me an Itoldyouso kind of look。  “I’m not a pletely reckless person;” he said。 He gestured to the root with his free hand。 “Seeprecautions。”  With that; he stabbed the root upward into his new hole。 There was a final avalanche of pebbles and sand as Diego dropped back onto his knees; getting out of the way。 And then a beam of brilliant light a ray about the thickness of one of Diego’s armspierced the darkness of the cave。 The light made a pillar from the ceiling to the floor; shimmering as the drifting dirt sifted through it。 I was icystill; gripping the ledge; ready to drop。  Diego didn’t jerk away or cry out in pain。 There was no smell of smoke。 The cave was a hundred times lighter than it had been; but it didn’t seem to affect him。 So maybe his story about shade trees was true。 I watched him carefully as he knelt beside the pillar of sunlight; motionless; staring。 He seemed fine; but there was a slight change to his skin。 A kind of movement; maybe from the settling dust; that reflected the gleam。 It looked almost like he was glowing a little。 
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 Maybe it wasn’t the dust; maybe it was the burning。 Maybe it

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