〃Sentiment; Lorelei。 As far as Andy traveled and as little time as he spent on Earth; he was always homesick for his horning place。 The only song he knew was one with a refrain of 'Arkansaw; Arkansaw; I adore thee!' I used to get sick of it。 But I promised him I would take his body back to Arkansas and it seemed to fort him when he died…so we'll do it。 Who knows? Maybe the sweet little guy will know it。 。 and it's worth the trouble。 to carry out his last wishes。 Prime rendezvous landmarks?〃
〃This big canyon;〃 answered Lapis Lazuli。 〃Follow it to the east and drop south…this round black dot。 A meteor impact crater。 No dependable landma;rks visible from orbit and good any century but this canyon…biggest on Earth。 So we memorize the spatial relationship between canyon and crater so that we can spot it from any angle。 If the light is right。〃
Dora said; 〃I'm sure I can see it in pitch…darkness。〃
〃Dora honey; this drill is based on the pessimistic ~ssumption that Ellandell might have to find it without your help。 I want them to know the geography of Terra so well that they won't have to。 ground and look for a road sign。 No close approaches to the ground at all…except to put me down and pick me up。 I don't want to start a flying…saucer scare; I don't
want to attract any attention…5……some yokel might take a shot at me。 It's unfortunate that this ship is shaped such that 'flying saucer' isn't too bad a description。〃
〃What's the matter with the way I look?〃 demanded Dora。 〃I look pretty damn good!〃
〃Dear; you're built like a brick outhouse…for a starship。 You're beautiful。 It's simply that unidentified flying objects… oofohs…were also called 'flying saucers。' I don't believe in paradoxes 。 。 but I don't want any attention。〃
〃Brother; maybe we are one of those oofohs you told us about。〃
〃Huh? Could be; I suppose。 If so; let's not get shot at。 I want a quiet trip。 If everything goes well; we can talk about letting one of you。 get on the ground with me next trip though durned if I don't think a stacked redhead is more conspicuous than an unidentified flying object。 Okay; the crater。 I intend to be there; before sundown and after sunrise; from minus ten days to plus ten days at plus ten years。 If I'm not there; what do you do?〃
Lapis Lazuli answered; 〃Look for you half a T…year later on top of the biggest pyramid at Gizeh…that's here…at midnight 。 。 only this time we scan for you minus thirty days
?through plus thirty because you aren't certain when you can get there and may be able to manage it only once…bribes and things。 Brother; do we go out half a。iight…year and reenter the time axis? Or stay in orbit and wait?〃
〃That's up to you。 I won't use the Egyptian rendezvous unless I've pulled some goof that makes it unhealthy for me to meet you in Arizona。 If I miss both dates; what do you do? Lori?〃
〃Look for you again both places at eleven years and eleven and a half。 years。〃
〃Then what?〃 ……
Lorelei glanced at her sister。 〃Brother; this part we don't go along with…〃
〃…and that goes for Dora; too…〃…
…〃It sure does!〃
…〃…because we won't assume that you're dead…〃
〃…no matter how many times you miss rendezvous…〃
〃…so we start checking both spots day after day…〃
〃…and night after night…〃
〃…and over nine hours' local time difference means some weird partial orbits to check sunrise and sundown in Arizona and still check midnights in Egypt…〃
〃…but Dora can do it…〃
〃You bet I can!〃
〃…and we'll keep looking for you day after day…〃
~…and year after year…〃
〃…until ypu do show up。 Sir。〃
〃Captain Lorelei; if I miss four rendezvous dates; I'm dead。 You must assume that。 Shall I put it in writing?〃
〃modore Long; if you're dead; you can't give orders。 That's logical。〃
〃If you assume that I am not dead; then my orders still apply。 。 and you must give up the search。 By the same logic。〃
〃Sir; if ~7ou are out of the ship and out of touch; then you are hardly in a position to give any orders。 But if you want to be picked up; there will be daily service from drop time plus eleven…and…one…half T…years on…〃
〃…and on and on and on; because that's what we promised the family…〃
〃…even though we'll have to run home occasionally for rejuvenation…〃
〃…and to have babies; but neither of those will take any time in that time framework 。 。 as you pointed out in another connection。〃
The twins glanced at each other。 〃I'll take it; Laz; I have to…odd…numbered day。 modore; as you taught us before you ever let either of us take mand in space; a modore is actually a passenger …because a ship's master cannot give up even a little bit of her total responsibility。 So 'mutiny' is not a word that can apply。〃
Lazarus sighed。 〃I've raised a couple of blinkin' space lawyers。〃
〃Brother; that's what you taught us。 You did。〃
… 〃Okay; I did。 You win the argument。 But it's silly to talk about checking every day for year after year indefinitely。 I've never seen the prison I couldn't escape from in less than a year
…and I've been in quite a number。 Maybe I should cancel the whole caper…no; no; I won't argue it! Now about time markers; if something forces you to recalibrate: Simple enough to ground and find out the exact Gregorian date 。
but that's exactly what I don': want you to do 。 。 because neither of you has any experience in coping …with strange cultures…and you would get in trouble and I wouldn't be around to get you out。〃
441〃Brother; do you think we are that stupid?〃
〃No; Laz; I do not think you are stupid。 You each have exactly the brain potential J started with…and I'm not stupid or I would not have lived so long。 Furthermore; you each have enormously better educations than I had at your age。 But; darlings; these are the Dark Ages w&re talking about。 You two have been brought up to expect rational treatment
which you wouldn't receive。 I don't dare let you put foot to ground in that era; even with me at your side; until after I have coached you endlessly in how to be consistently irrational in what you do and say。 Truly。〃
Lazarus continued; 〃Never mind; you have two ways to read the clock from space。 One is the Libby method; tedious but workable; by reading positions of the Solar System's plas。 The trouble with that one is that; unless you spend one devilish long time on difficult observations; you can mistake a configuration for one almost like it…but several thousand years earlier or later。
〃So we use what time marks we can find on the surface of Terra herself。 The radioactive dating of that impact crater is probabl? close…but in any case; if the crater is missing; you're too early by some centuries。 The dates for the building of the Great e for the Egyptian pyramids。 The dates for the Suez Canal and the Pan…ama Canal are exact…so;