《time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)》



time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)- 第150部分

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alk that
  … …far; I've talked to some of these women…they 〃walk a
  … …beat〃 offering their services to men on the street。 But; my dears; these women are not recognized artists; proud of their great vocation。 Oh; dear; no! They are pathetic drabs; furtive and ashamed。 They are at the bottom of the social pyramid; and many (most?) are in thrall to males
  who take their meager earnings。
  …I do not think there is a Tamara; or even a pseudoTamara; in all of Kansas City。 Outside the 'red…light'
  district there are younger and prettier women available for higher fees and by more plex aI~rangements…but their status is still zero。 No proud and happy artists。 So they are no temptation; I would not be able to put out of my mind the gruesome fashion in which they are mistreated under local laws and customs。 …
  …(I tipped those I talked to; time is money to them。)
  Then there are women who are not of the profession。
  From myearlier life here I know that a high percent…
  …age of both 〃single〃 women and 〃married〃 women (a sharp dichotomy; much sharper than On Tertius or even Secundus ) …many of these will chance unlicensed coupling for fun; … adventure; love; or other reasons。 Most women here are thus available sometimes and with some men…although not with all men nor all the time; here&…now the sport is necessarily clandestine。
  Nor do I lack confidence; nor have I contracted the local 〃moral〃… attitude。
  But the answer is again No。 Why?
  First reason: It is all too likely to get one's arse shot off! …
  No joke; dears。 Here…&…now almost every female is quasi…property of some male。 Husband; father; sweetheart;
  betrothed…someone。 If he catches you; he may kill you
  …and public tipinion is such that he is unlikely to he
  punished。 But if you kill him 。 。 you hang by the neck until dead; dead; dead! …
  It seems an excessive price。 I don't plan to risk it。
  There are a small but appreciable number of females who are not 〃property〃 of some male…so what's holding you back; Lazarus? …
  The overhead; for one thing。 (Better not tell Galahad this; it would break his heart。) Negotiations are usually long; plex; and very expensive…and she is likely to regard 〃success〃 as equivalent to a proposal of lifetime contract。
  On top of that she is quite likely to bee pregnant。 I should have asked Ishtar to offset my fertility … for this trip。 (I …am terribly glad I did not。) (And I am honing for you darlings; my other selves…and thank you endlessly for kicking my feet out from under me。 I couldn't
  …… initiate it; dearly as I wanted to!)
  Laz and Lor; believe this: Mature females here do not know when they are fertile。 They rely either on luck or on contraceptive methods that range from chancy to worthless。 Furthermore; they can't find out even from their therapists…who don't know much about it themselves。 (There are no geicists。) Therapy is very primitive in 1916。 Most physicians are trying hard; I think; but the art is barely out of the witch…doctor stage。 Just rough surgery and a few drugs…most of which I know to be useless or harmful。 As for contraception…hold on tight!…it is forbidden by law。
  Another law made to be broken…and is。 But law and customs retard … progress in such matters。 At present (1916) the monest method involves an elastomer sheath worn by the male…in other words they 〃couple〃 without touching。 Stop screaming; you'll never have to put up with it。 But it is as bad as it sounds。
  I've saved my strongest reason for the last。 Dears; I've been spoiled。 In 1916 a bath once a week is considered er。ough by most people; too much by some。 Other habits match。 Such thing when unavoidable can be ignored。 I'm well aware that I whiff like an old billy goat in very short order myself。 Nevertheless; when I have enjoyed the pany of six of the daintiest darlings in the Galaxy…well; I'd rather wait。 Shucks; ten years isn't long。
  If yqtr have receiv4d any of …the letters I will send over the next ten years; then you may have rushed to check up on Gr~gorian 1916…1919。 I selected 1919…1929 both to savor it…a vintage decade; the very last happy period in
  … old Earth's history…but also to avoid the first of the Terran Plaary Wars; the one known now (it has already started) as 〃The European War;〃 then will be called
  …〃The World War;〃 then still later 〃The First World War;〃 and designated in most ancient histories as 〃Phase One of
  the First Terran Plaary War。〃
  Don't;fret; I'm going to give it a wide berth。 This in
  volves change~ in my travel plans but none in the 1926
  pickup。 I ha~e little memory of this war; I was too
  young。 But I recall (probably from school lessons rather
  than …from direct memory) that this country got into it in
  … …1917; and that the war ended the following year…and
  that date I remember exactly; as it was my sixth birthday
  and I thought the noise and celebration was for me。
  What I can't remember is the exact date this country entered the war。 I may not have looked it up in planning this junket; my purpose was to arrive after 11 November 1918; the day the war ended; and! allowed what I thought was a fortable margin。 I was fitting in those ten years most carefully; as the following ten years; 1929…1939;are decidedly not a vintage decade…and they end with the start of Phase Two of the First Terran Plaary War。
  There is no possible way for me to look up that date… but I find one bright clue in my memory: a phrase 〃The Guns of August。〃 That phrase has a sharp association in my memory with this war…and it fits; for I remember that it was warm; summery weather (August is summer here) when Gramp (your maternal grandfather; dears) took me out into the backyard and explained to me what 〃war〃 is and why we must win。
  I don't think he made me understand it…but! remember the occasion; I remember his serious manner; I remember the weat?er (warm); and the time of day (just before supper)。
  Very well; I'll expect this country to declare war next
  …August; I'll duck for cover in July…for I have no interest in this war。 I know which side won… (the side this country will be on) but I know also that 〃The War to End All Wars〃 (it was called that!) was a disastrous defeat both for 〃victors〃 and 〃vanquished〃…it led inevitably to the
  467Great Collapse and caused me to get off this pla。 Nothing I can do will change any of that; there are no paradoxes。
  So I will hole up till it's over。 Almost every nation on Terra eventually picked sides…but many did no fighting; and the war did not get close to them; especially nations south of here; Central and South America; so that is probably where I will go。
  But I have almost a year to plan it。 It is easy here to be anything you claim to be…no identification cards; no puter codes; no thumbprints; no tax numbers。 Mind you; this pla now has as many people as 

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